1.1Atomic structure- Schrodinger wave equation , significance of Y and Y2 and quantum and their significance, redial and angular probability , shapes of orbitals , relative energies of atomic orbitals as a function of atomic number . Electronic configurations of elements; Aufbau principle .Hund’s multiplicity rule, pauli exclusion principle.
1.2Chemical periodicity- periodic classification of elements , salient characteristics of services s, p, d and f block elements .Periodic trends of atomic radii ionic radii, ionization potential , electron affinity and electronegativity in the periodic table.
1.3 Chemical bonding – Types of bonding, overlap of atomic orbitals, sigma and pi bond hydrogen and metallic bonds . Shapes of molecules , bond order, bond length, V.S.E.P.R. theory and bond angles. The concept of hybridization and shapes of molecules and ions.
1.4 Oxidation states and oxidation number-Oxidation and reduction , oxidation numbers, common redox reactions , ionic equations . Balancing of equations for reduction reactions.
1.5 Acids and bases- Bronsted and Lewis theories of acids and bases. Hard and soft acids and bases. HSAB principle , relative strengths of acids and bases and the effect of substituents and solvents on their strength .
1.6 Chemistry of elements-
(i)Hydrogen- Its unique position in the periodic table , isotopes , ortho and para hydrogen , industrial production , heavy water.
(ii)Chemistry of s and p block elements- Electronic configuration , general characteristics properties , inert pair effect, allotropy and catenation. Special emphasis on solution of alkaline earth metals in liquid ammonia . Perparation , properties and structures of boric acid , borates , boron, nitrides, borohydride (diborane) , carborances, oxides and oxyacids of nitrogen. Phosphorous, sulphur and chlorine; interhalogne compounds , polyhalide ions , pseudohalogens , flurocarbons and basic properties of halogens. Chemical reactivity of noble gases, preparation , structure and bonding of noble gas compounds.
(iii) Chemistry of d block elements- Transition metals including lanthanides, general characteristic properties , oxidation states, magnetic behaviour, colour . First row transition mentals and general properties of their compounds (oxides , halides and sulphides ); lanthanide contraction.
1.7 Extraction of metals-Principles of extraction of metals as illustrated by sodium, magnesium , aluminium, iron , nickel , copper , silver and gold.
1.8 Nuclear chemistry- Nuclear reactions; mass defect and binding energy, nuclear fission and fusion . Nuclear reactors; radioisotopes and their applications.
1.9 Coordination compounds- Nomenclature , isomerism and theories of coordination compounds and their role in nature and medicine.
1.10 Pollution and its control- Air pollution , type of air pollutants ; control of air and water pollution; radioactive pollution.
2.1 Bonding and shapes of organic molecules-Electro –negativity, electron displacements- inductive, mesomeric and hyperconjugative effects; bond polarity and bond polarizability diopole moments of organic molecules; hydrogen bond; effects of solvent and structure on dissonciation constants of acids and bases ; bond formation, fission of covalent bond : homolysis and heterolysis ; reaction intermediates – carbocations, carbanions , free radicals and carbenes; generation , geometry and stability ; nucleophiles and electrophiles.
2.2 Chemistry of aliphatic compounds-Nomenclature alkenes sysnthesis reactions (free radical halogenation) reactivity and selectivity, sulphonation – detergents; cycloalkanes- Baeyer’s strain theory; alkanes and alkynes- synthesis, electrohilic addition ; reactions , Markownikov’s rule, peroxide effects, 1-3 – dipolar addition ; nucliophilic addition to electron deficient alkenes; polymerization ; relative acidity ; synthesis and reactions of alkyl halides, alkanols ,alkanals, alkanones , alkanoic acids, esters amides, nitriles , amines , acid anhydrides, a , B- unsaturated ketones, ethers and nitro compounds.
2.3 Stereochemistry of carbon compounds- Elements of sysmmetry, chiral and achiral compounds. Fischer projection formulae; optical isomerisom of lactic and tartaric acids, enantiomerism and diastereo isomerism; configuration (relative and absolute); conformations of alkanes upto four carbons, cyclohexane and dimethylcyclo-hexanes- their potential energy. D,L and R, S- notations of compounds containing chiral centres; projection formulae-Fischer , Newman and sawhorse – of compounds containing two adjacent chiral centres; meso and di-isomers, erythro and threo isomers racemization and resolution ; examples of homotopic, entantiotopic and diasteretopic atoms and groups in organic compounds, geometrical isomers; E and Z notations . stereochemistry of SNI, SN2, EI, and E2 reactions.
2.4 Organometallic compounds – Preparation and synthetic uses of Grignard reagents, alky 1 Iithium compounds.
2.5 Active methylene compounds- Diethy 1 malonate, ethy acetoacetate, ethy1 cyanoacetate – applications in organic synthesis ; tautomerism (keto- enol).
2.6 Chemistry of aromatic compounds- Aromaticity ; Huckel’s rule; electrophillic aromatic substitution- nitration, sulphonation, halogenation (nuclear and side chain), Friedel – Crafts alkylation and acylation , subsitituents effect; chemistry and reactivity of aromatic halides, phenols , nitro- diazo, diazonium and sulphonic acid derivatives , benzyne reactions.
2.7 Chemistry of biomolecules-
(i) Carbohydrates- Classification, reactions, structure of glucose , D L-configuration, osazone formation ; fructose and sucrose ; step – up step- down of aldoses and ketoses , and their interconversions.
(ii) Amino acids- Essential amino acids; zwitterions , isoelectric point, polypeptides; proteins; methods of synthesis of a amino acids.
2.8 Basic principles and applications of UV, visible, IR and NMR spectroscopy of simple organic molecules.
3.1 Gaseous state-Deviation of real gases from the equation of state for an ideal gas, van der Waals and Viril equation of states , critical phenomena , principle of correrponding states, equation for reduced state. Liquification of gases , distribution of molecular speed , collisions between molecules in a gas; mean free path , specific heat of gases.
3.2 Thermodynamics-
(i) First law and its applications: Thermodynamic systems, states and processes work, heat and internal energy zeroth law of thermodynamics various types of work done on a system in reversible and irreversible processes. Calorimetry and thermochemistry , enthalpy and enthalpy changes in various physical and chemical processes, Joule – Thomson effect, inversion temperature . Heat capacities and temperature dependence of enthalpy and energy changes.
(ii) Second law and its applications- Spontaneity of a process entropy and entropy changes in various processes, free energy functions , criteria for equilibrium , relation between equilibrium constant and thermodynamic quantites.
3.3 Phase rule and its applications- Equilibrium between liquid , solid and vapours of a pure substance, Clausius- Clapeyron equation and its applications, Number of components, phases and degrees of freedom; phase rule and its applications; simple systems with one (water and sulphur) and two components (lead –silver , salt hydrates). Distribution law, its modifications, limitations and applications.
3.4 Solution- Solubility and its temperature dependence , partially miscible liquids , upper and lower critical solution temperatures, vapour pressures of liquids over their mixtures , Raoult’s and Henry’s laws , fractional and steam distillations.
3.5 Colligative Properties- Dilute solutions and colligative properties, determination of molecular weights using colligative properties.
3.6 Electrochemistry- Ions in solutions , ionic equilibria, dissociation constants of acids and bases, hydrolysis , pH and buffers, theory of indicators and acid- base titrations. Conductivity of ionic solutions , its variation with concentration , Ostwald’s dilution law. Kohlraush law and its application . Transport number and its determination .Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, galvanic cells and measurements of their e.m.f., cell reactions, standard cell , standard reduction potential, Nernst equation , relation between thermodynamic quantities and cell e.m.f., fuel cells , potentiometric titrations
3.7 Chemical kinetics- Rate of chemical reaction and its dependence on concentrations of the reactants , rate constant and order of reaction and their experimental determination; differential and integral rate equations for first and second order reaction , helf – life periods ; temperature dependence of rate constant and Arrhenius parameters; elementary ideas regarding collision and transition state theory.
3.8 Photochemistry- Absorption of light , laws of photochemistry , quantum yield , the excited state and its decay by radiative , nonradiative and chemical pathways; simple photochemical reactions.
3.9 Catalysis- Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis and their characteristics , mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis; enzyme catalysed reaction (Michaelis Menten mechanism).
3.10 Colloids- The colloidal state, preparation and purification of colloids and their characteristics properties ; lyophilic and lyphobic colloids and coagulation; protection of colloids; gels, emulsions, surfactants and micelles.