Alphabet/Letter Analogies a
In letter analogy questions, the Question Pair and Answer Pair consist of letters. You have to examine the Question Pair and find the relationship between them and choose the Answer Pair that contains the same analogy or relationship as in the Question Pair.
Some of the most common analogical relationship between letter pairs are given below. You must understand the relationship and learn to recognise it. You must be able to solve the few exercises given with each type. It is not important to remember the name of the type.
Direct alphabetic sequential relationship
Example CD: GH :: LM : ___________?
(a) DC (b) EG (c) AB (d) JI
Answer (c)
Explanation Examine the question pair 'CD: GH'. The letters of the first term 'CD' are in natural alphabetic sequence. As are the letters of the second term 'GH'. The letters 'LM' are also in natural alphabetical sequence. Therefore, a search for an answer where letters are in natural alphabetic sequence will lead you to 'AB'.
In letter analogy questions, the Question Pair and Answer Pair consist of letters. You have to examine the Question Pair and find the relationship between them and choose the Answer Pair that contains the same analogy or relationship as in the Question Pair.
Some of the most common analogical relationship between letter pairs are given below. You must understand the relationship and learn to recognise it. You must be able to solve the few exercises given with each type. It is not important to remember the name of the type.
Direct alphabetic sequential relationship
Example CD: GH :: LM : ___________?
(a) DC (b) EG (c) AB (d) JI
Answer (c)
Explanation Examine the question pair 'CD: GH'. The letters of the first term 'CD' are in natural alphabetic sequence. As are the letters of the second term 'GH'. The letters 'LM' are also in natural alphabetical sequence. Therefore, a search for an answer where letters are in natural alphabetic sequence will lead you to 'AB'.
1. XY : PQ :: MN : ______:______?
(a) TS (b) MO (c) QP (d) BC
2. GH : AB :: BC :_____:______?
(a) RT (b) QR (c) RS (d) DF
3. MN : OP :: RS : ______:_____?
(a) BH (b) HI (c) MO (d) UW
4. YZ : XY :: AB :______:______?
(a) ML (b) BD (c) PR (d) PQ
Answers 1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (b), 4. (d)
Opposite alphabetic relationship
DC: HG :: ML : ______:______?
(a) OP (b) NM (c) BA (d) PQ
Answer (b) and (c)
Explanation It is clear that the letters in each term are in the reverse of alphabetic sequence. Hence look for an answer where letters are in the reverse alphabetic order. Note It is worth remembering that sometimes the directions to question do not specify that there is only one correct answer. In such cases, look out for more than one correct answer and give both for full credit.
1. TS : LK :: BA : ______:_____?
(a) DE (b) FE (c) Gl (d) RP
2. NM : QP :: ZY : ______:______?
(a) MQ (b) YW (c) XW (d) yz
3. PO : SR :: BA : ________:______?
(a) ZA (b) yz (c) zy (d) PL
4. Jl : XW :: KJ : ______:______?
(a) PQ (b) QR (c) RQ (d) XY
Answers 1. (b), 2. (c), 3. (c), 4. (c)
Vowel/consonant relationship
Example ABD: EJL :: _____:_____?
(a) GFH: IPR (b) IPR: URT (c) IPR: OTY (d) IPR: ORT
Answer (d)
Explanation Examine the question pair' ABD : EJL'. The first letters of each term are 'A' and 'E'. These are the first two vowels (AEIOU). A quick look at the answer choices can tell you that you could be on the right track and that the first term of the answer pair will begin with 'I' and that the second term of the answer pair will begin with '0'. This leaves you with answer choices (c) and (d). Go back to the answer pair and look at the second two letters of each term.
First term: ABD Second term: EJL
You can now look for the pattern which emerges:
First term: B, skip C, D
Second term: J, skip K, L
This pattern clearly eliminates answer choice (c), leaving (d) as the correct answer. A little practice with the following exercises and the steps mentioned above will come to you automatically.
1. EFH : ILN :: ______:______?
(a) ILM: OPQ (b) EGH:IMN (c) OPR:URT (d) OPQ: UBT
2. AXZ : EBD :: ______:_______?
(a) IRT: OWY (b) XYI:MOQ (c) PSI: UXW (d) AOl: UBX
3. BDA-: JLE :: _______:_______?
(a) OKT:BCD (b) PRI: LNO (c) MOl: LMO (d) RSI: UVO
4. KME : PRI ::_________:________?
(a) CDO:EGQ (b) DFO: oru (c) BDE:EGU (d) BDO:EKM
5. BAC : MIN :: ________:_______?
(a) TOR:LUT (b) PID: KOM (c) PEQ: ROS (d) POQ: RUS
6. CED : GIH :: _______:_______?
(a) JEK: LIM (b) 10K: LUM (c) JAK: LIM (d) JEO: LIM
7. ACDE: OGHI:: ESTU: ______:_______?
(a) ABCD (b) EPQU (c) XYZE (d) HKGO
Answers 1. (c), 2. (a), 3. (b), 4. (b), 5. (c), 6. (b), 7. (b)
Skip letter relationship
Example AB: DE ::______:______?
Answer (a) Examine the question pair 'AB : DE'. The relationship is that the letters are in alphabetic order, with a letter skipped between terms.
Example AB: FG ::_____:____?
(a) RS: WX (b) KL: PQ (c) KL: OP (d) JK: MN
Answer (a) and (b). Examine the question pair 'AB : FG'. The relationship is that the letters are in alphabetic order, with 3 letters shifted between terms.
Example BD: EG :: _____:______?
(a) KM: SU (b) AB: BD (c) AC: CE (d) XY: ZY
Answer (a) and (c).
Examine the question pair 'BD: EG'. The relationship is that the letters are in alphabetic order, with the intervening letter skipped in each term.
1. BC : FG :: _____:______?
(a) AD: PQ (b) HI:JK (c) JK: LM (d) HI:LM
2. DE: HI :: _______:_______?
(a) DE:HJ (b) JK: LM (c) JK:NO (d) JK: OP
3. EF : IJ :: ________:_______?
(a) KL:MN (b) KL:OP (c) JK:NO (d) KL: PQ
4. BC: GH:: ________:_______?
(a) JK:NO (B) CD:FG (c) HI:JK (d) IJ:MN
5. CD : HI :: ________:_______?
(a) JK: PQ (b) JK: LM (c) JK: OP (d) JK:MN
6. JK : OP :: ________:_______?
(a) QR:OU (b) QR:VW (c) ST:UV (d) QR: ST
7. DF : GI :: _______:_______?
(a) JL:LM (b) JL:MN (c) LM:OP (d) JL:MO
8. OQ : QS ::________:_______?
(a) ZY: AZ (b) XZ:AC (c) RT:VW (d) ZY: ZA
9. TV: UW::_______:________?
(a) YX:CD (b) XZ:AC (c) XY:BC (d) DF:GH
Answers 1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (b), 4. (a), 5. (c), 6. (b), 7. (d), 8. (b), 9. (b)
Letter form relationship
This type of analogy depends on the form of the letter. Look for straight lines, closed and open ends, circles and tails, etc.
Example I: T ::_____:_____?
(a) W: X (b) M: V (c) L: N (d) L: X
Answer (c).
Explanation Examine the question Pair' I : T'. The first term 'I' is composed of one straight stroke. The second term 'T' is composed of two straight strokes.
Examine answer option (a) W : X : 4 strokes: 2 strokes, no pattern.
Examine answer option (b) M : V : 4 strokes : 2 strokes, no pattern.
Examine answer option (c) L : N : 2 strokes: 3 strokes; pattern exists. Increasing number of strokes; I : 2 :: 2 : 3 Examine answer option (d) L : X : 2 strokes : 2 strokes; no pattern. Hence (c) is the answer.
Example b: d :: P : (a) a (b) 0 (c) q (d) d
Answer (c)
Explanations Look at the letters as combinations of straight lines and circles. Look at the position of the circles and lines.
'b ' : circle with line on left, going up
'd' : circle with line on right, going up
'p' : circle with line on left, going down. You must, therefore, look for a letter with a circle with line on right, going down.
1. q : d :: b : _____:_____?
(a) p (b) d (c) b (d) j
2. n : m :: u : ______:______?
(a) v (b) t (c) w (d) x
3. b : p :: d : _______:______?
(a) t (b) J (c) z (d) g
4. d : g :: b : _______:______?
(a) p (b) b (c) J (d) I
5. n : u :: m: _______:______?
(a) x (b) v (c) w (d) 0
6. b : g :: d:_______:______?
(a) q (b) g (c) p (d) z
7. F: P:: E: _______:_______?
(a) F (b) G (c) B (d) W
8. N: Z:: M: _______:_______?
(a) X (b) R (c) Z (d) W
9. V: W:: Y: ________:_______?
(a) Z (b) G (c) M (d) Q
Answers 1. (a), 2. (c), 3. (d), 4. (a), 5. (c), 6. (c), 7. (c), 8. (d), 9. (c)
Jumbled letter relationship
Exarnple GNIK: KING :: _____:____?
Answer (a).
Explanation Examine the question pair 'GNIK : KING'. The second term (KING) of the question pair is made by reversing the order of the letters of the first term (G~1K). Similarly '1\TRAEL' is reverse of 'LEARN'.
1.RAGDE: EDGAR :: ______:______?
2.WINTER: RETNIW :: _______:_______?
3.ENGLISH: HSILGNE ::_____:_____?
4.NAMTIP : PITMAN :: ______:______?
NOTE The sequence of terms in Question pair should be the same as in Answer pair.
Answer 1. (c), 2. (b), 3. (c), 4. (d) Now that you have covered the various types of alphabet analogies, attempt the test in the following pages and compare your answers with the ones given after the test. Study the explanation given with each answer. Even if you got the answer correct, a study of the explanations will bring out the correct way of arriving at the answer.