Verbal Reasoning Test -- 04

Alphabet/Letter Analogies a
In letter analogy questions, the Question Pair and Answer Pair consist of letters. You have to examine the Question Pair and find the relationship between them and choose the Answer Pair that contains the same analogy or relationship as in the Question Pair.
Some of the most common analogical relationship between letter pairs are given below. You must understand the relationship and learn to recognise it. You must be able to solve the few exercises given with each type. It is not important to remember the name of the type.
Direct alphabetic sequential relationship
Example CD: GH :: LM : ___________?
(a) DC (b) EG (c) AB (d) JI
Answer (c)
Explanation Examine the question pair 'CD: GH'. The letters of the first term 'CD' are in natural alphabetic sequence. As are the letters of the second term 'GH'. The letters 'LM' are also in natural alphabetical sequence. Therefore, a search for an answer where letters are in natural alphabetic sequence will lead you to 'AB'.
1. XY : PQ :: MN : ______:______?
(a) TS (b) MO (c) QP (d) BC
2. GH : AB :: BC :_____:______?
(a) RT (b) QR (c) RS (d) DF
3. MN : OP :: RS : ______:_____?
(a) BH (b) HI (c) MO (d) UW
4. YZ : XY :: AB :______:______?
(a) ML (b) BD (c) PR (d) PQ
Answers 1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (b), 4. (d)
Opposite alphabetic relationship
DC: HG :: ML : ______:______?
(a) OP (b) NM (c) BA (d) PQ
Answer (b) and (c)
Explanation It is clear that the letters in each term are in the reverse of alphabetic sequence. Hence look for an answer where letters are in the reverse alphabetic order. Note It is worth remembering that sometimes the directions to question do not specify that there is only one correct answer. In such cases, look out for more than one correct answer and give both for full credit.
1. TS : LK :: BA : ______:_____?
(a) DE (b) FE (c) Gl (d) RP
2. NM : QP :: ZY : ______:______?
(a) MQ (b) YW (c) XW (d) yz
3. PO : SR :: BA : ________:______?
(a) ZA (b) yz (c) zy (d) PL
4. Jl : XW :: KJ : ______:______?
(a) PQ (b) QR (c) RQ (d) XY
Answers 1. (b), 2. (c), 3. (c), 4. (c)
Vowel/consonant relationship
Example ABD: EJL :: _____:_____?
(a) GFH: IPR (b) IPR: URT (c) IPR: OTY (d) IPR: ORT
Answer (d)
Explanation Examine the question pair' ABD : EJL'. The first letters of each term are 'A' and 'E'. These are the first two vowels (AEIOU). A quick look at the answer choices can tell you that you could be on the right track and that the first term of the answer pair will begin with 'I' and that the second term of the answer pair will begin with '0'. This leaves you with answer choices (c) and (d). Go back to the answer pair and look at the second two letters of each term.
First term: ABD Second term: EJL
You can now look for the pattern which emerges:
First term: B, skip C, D
Second term: J, skip K, L
This pattern clearly eliminates answer choice (c), leaving (d) as the correct answer. A little practice with the following exercises and the steps mentioned above will come to you automatically.
1. EFH : ILN :: ______:______?
(a) ILM: OPQ (b) EGH:IMN (c) OPR:URT (d) OPQ: UBT
2. AXZ : EBD :: ______:_______?
(a) IRT: OWY (b) XYI:MOQ (c) PSI: UXW (d) AOl: UBX
3. BDA-: JLE :: _______:_______?
(a) OKT:BCD (b) PRI: LNO (c) MOl: LMO (d) RSI: UVO
4. KME : PRI ::_________:________?
(a) CDO:EGQ (b) DFO: oru (c) BDE:EGU (d) BDO:EKM
5. BAC : MIN :: ________:_______?
(a) TOR:LUT (b) PID: KOM (c) PEQ: ROS (d) POQ: RUS
6. CED : GIH :: _______:_______?
(a) JEK: LIM (b) 10K: LUM (c) JAK: LIM (d) JEO: LIM
7. ACDE: OGHI:: ESTU: ______:_______?
(a) ABCD (b) EPQU (c) XYZE (d) HKGO
Answers 1. (c), 2. (a), 3. (b), 4. (b), 5. (c), 6. (b), 7. (b)
Skip letter relationship
Example AB: DE ::______:______?
Answer (a) Examine the question pair 'AB : DE'. The relationship is that the letters are in alphabetic order, with a letter skipped between terms.
Example AB: FG ::_____:____?
(a) RS: WX (b) KL: PQ (c) KL: OP (d) JK: MN
Answer (a) and (b). Examine the question pair 'AB : FG'. The relationship is that the letters are in alphabetic order, with 3 letters shifted between terms.
Example BD: EG :: _____:______?
(a) KM: SU (b) AB: BD (c) AC: CE (d) XY: ZY
Answer (a) and (c).
Examine the question pair 'BD: EG'. The relationship is that the letters are in alphabetic order, with the intervening letter skipped in each term.
1. BC : FG :: _____:______?
(a) AD: PQ (b) HI:JK (c) JK: LM (d) HI:LM
2. DE: HI :: _______:_______?
(a) DE:HJ (b) JK: LM (c) JK:NO (d) JK: OP
3. EF : IJ :: ________:_______?
(a) KL:MN (b) KL:OP (c) JK:NO (d) KL: PQ
4. BC: GH:: ________:_______?
(a) JK:NO (B) CD:FG (c) HI:JK (d) IJ:MN
5. CD : HI :: ________:_______?
(a) JK: PQ (b) JK: LM (c) JK: OP (d) JK:MN
6. JK : OP :: ________:_______?
(a) QR:OU (b) QR:VW (c) ST:UV (d) QR: ST
7. DF : GI :: _______:_______?
(a) JL:LM (b) JL:MN (c) LM:OP (d) JL:MO
8. OQ : QS ::________:_______?
(a) ZY: AZ (b) XZ:AC (c) RT:VW (d) ZY: ZA
9. TV: UW::_______:________?
(a) YX:CD (b) XZ:AC (c) XY:BC (d) DF:GH
Answers 1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (b), 4. (a), 5. (c), 6. (b), 7. (d), 8. (b), 9. (b)
Letter form relationship
This type of analogy depends on the form of the letter. Look for straight lines, closed and open ends, circles and tails, etc.
Example I: T ::_____:_____?
(a) W: X (b) M: V (c) L: N (d) L: X
Answer (c).
Explanation Examine the question Pair' I : T'. The first term 'I' is composed of one straight stroke. The second term 'T' is composed of two straight strokes.
Examine answer option (a) W : X : 4 strokes: 2 strokes, no pattern.
Examine answer option (b) M : V : 4 strokes : 2 strokes, no pattern.
Examine answer option (c) L : N : 2 strokes: 3 strokes; pattern exists. Increasing number of strokes; I : 2 :: 2 : 3 Examine answer option (d) L : X : 2 strokes : 2 strokes; no pattern. Hence (c) is the answer.
Example b: d :: P : (a) a (b) 0 (c) q (d) d
Answer (c)
Explanations Look at the letters as combinations of straight lines and circles. Look at the position of the circles and lines.
'b ' : circle with line on left, going up
'd' : circle with line on right, going up
'p' : circle with line on left, going down. You must, therefore, look for a letter with a circle with line on right, going down.
1. q : d :: b : _____:_____?
(a) p (b) d (c) b (d) j
2. n : m :: u : ______:______?
(a) v (b) t (c) w (d) x
3. b : p :: d : _______:______?
(a) t (b) J (c) z (d) g
4. d : g :: b : _______:______?
(a) p (b) b (c) J (d) I
5. n : u :: m: _______:______?
(a) x (b) v (c) w (d) 0
6. b : g :: d:_______:______?
(a) q (b) g (c) p (d) z
7. F: P:: E: _______:_______?
(a) F (b) G (c) B (d) W
8. N: Z:: M: _______:_______?
(a) X (b) R (c) Z (d) W
9. V: W:: Y: ________:_______?
(a) Z (b) G (c) M (d) Q
Answers 1. (a), 2. (c), 3. (d), 4. (a), 5. (c), 6. (c), 7. (c), 8. (d), 9. (c)
Jumbled letter relationship
Exarnple GNIK: KING :: _____:____?
Answer (a).
Explanation Examine the question pair 'GNIK : KING'. The second term (KING) of the question pair is made by reversing the order of the letters of the first term (G~1K). Similarly '1\TRAEL' is reverse of 'LEARN'.
1.RAGDE: EDGAR :: ______:______?
2.WINTER: RETNIW :: _______:_______?
3.ENGLISH: HSILGNE ::_____:_____?
4.NAMTIP : PITMAN :: ______:______?
NOTE The sequence of terms in Question pair should be the same as in Answer pair.
Answer 1. (c), 2. (b), 3. (c), 4. (d) Now that you have covered the various types of alphabet analogies, attempt the test in the following pages and compare your answers with the ones given after the test. Study the explanation given with each answer. Even if you got the answer correct, a study of the explanations will bring out the correct way of arriving at the answer.

Verbal Reasoning Tests -- 3

DIRECTIONS In each of the questions below, a related pair of words in capital letters is followed by five pair of words (a-e). Select that lettered pair that expresses the relationship that is MOST similar to that of the capitalised pair:
1.FURY: IRE::____:_____?
(a) Cry: whisper (b) Dispassion: emotion (c) Joke: laugh (d) Amusement : happiness (e) Convulsion: spasm
2. INK : PAPER ::______:_____?
(a) Pen: pencil (b) Paint : painting (c) Chalk: blackboard (d) Carbon paper : ballpoint pen (e) Feltboard : drawing pins
3. REMORSE: ABSOLUTION::______:_____?
(a) Evasion : suspicion (b) Horror : sympathy (c) Disdain : corruption (d) Banter : passion (e) Serious : humour
4. VANDALISM: PROPERTY::________:_______?
(a) Implication: crime (b) Embezzlement: fraud (c) Perjury : testimony (d) Malpracticing : cheating (e) Testify: reputation
5. FLOW-SHEET: MANUFACTURER::_______:________?
(a) Formula : product (b) Blue print: architect (c) Cameraman: film (d) Scenario: writer (e) Script: actor
6. GOOD: EXCELLENT::_________:_________?
(a) Bad: immoral (b) Caution : careless (c) Hill : mountain (d) Jealousy : respect (e) Sickness : medicines
7. NITROGEN: GASEOUS::________:________?
(a) Oxygen: organic matter (b) Lead: heavy ( c) Feather: weightless (d) Mercury: fluid (e) Nitrogen: stale food
8. INCANDESCENT: GLOWING ::_________:________?
(a) Candle: light (b) Flash : flame ( c) Tedious: bore (d) Boor : oafish (e) Indefatigable: untiring
9. EDITOR: MAGAZINE::_________:_________?
(a) Novel: writer (b) Poem: poet (c) Chair : carpenter (d) Director: film (e) Psychiatrist : neurotic
10. DETERIORATION: RUST::________:________?
(a) Iron: water (b) emaciation: debilitation (c) Depression: unemployment (d) Recession : inefficiency (e) Promulgation: legislation
11. INTELLIGENSIA : ELITIST:_______:_______?(a) LQ. : Intelligent (b) Outershell : sea-shell (c) Rabble: plebeian Cd) Gentry: public (e) Commonality: common class
12. TEDIOUS: BORING::______:______?(a) Boor : oafish (b) Pressing : crushing (c) Poor: poverty (d) incorgruous : consistent (e) Indefatigable: untiring
13. ELEVATED: EXALTED::________:________?
(a) Promoted: excellence (b) Raise: commensurate (c) Dirty : filthy (d) Disorderly: unfaithful (e) Purified: hygienic
14. TICKET: ADMISSION ::________:________?
(a) School : book (b) Strong : moral (c) Neck: collar (d) Coat : pocket (e) Money : luxuries
15. MUSIC: HARMONIUM ::_______:______?
(a) Novel: writer (b) Words: word-processor (c) Author : book (d) Water: tank (e) Guitar: sound
16. ENERGY: DISSIPATE ::_______:______?
(a) Charge : battery (b) Food: temperature (c) Money : squander (d) Power: generator (e) Atom: explosion
17. COMMANDER COMMANDS ::________:_______?
(a) Surgeon : diagnosis (b) Senator : legislates (c) Checks : teacher (d) Aerates : aviator (e) Specific : responses
18. FORMULA: CONSTITUENT::_______:______?
(a) Verdict : sentence (b) Rocket : pilot (c) Carburettor : mixture (d) Binominal : monocular (e) Equation : term
19. LUGUBRIOUS: SORROWFUL::_______:_______?
(a) Unhappy: gloomy (b) Lustrous : luscious (c) Credible: incredible (d) Euphoric: cheerful (e) Frenzied: excited
20. GLOVE: HAND ::_______:_______?
(a) Neck: collar (b) Tie: shirt (c) Shoe: lace (d) Coat : pocket (e) Socks: feet
21. STUDENT: MARKS ::________:______?
(a) Teacher : class (b) Pen :nib (c) Scholar: book (d) Discipline : student (e) Waiter: tip
22. KNOB: DOOR ::_______:_______?
(a) Shoe: socks (b) Belt: trousers (c) Nose: face (d) Necklace: neck (e) Ring: ear
23. PRIMEVAL: MEDIEVAL::_______:_______?
(a) Snow: ice (b) Thorn: rose (c) Evolution: revelation (d) Gorilla: soldier (e) Dinosaur : dragon
24. DEPLETE: ENERVATE::______:______?
(a) Strengthen : weak (b) Invigorate : tired (c) Exhaust: enfeeble ( d) Tighten: Loosen (e) Weariness: restless
25. ILGHT: CANDLE ::________:________?
(a) Exercise: strength (b) Dieting: overweight (c) Power: battery (d) Heat: coil (e) Automobile: engine
26. EMBARRASS: HUMILIATE ::______:______?
(a) Difficult situation: painful (b) Annoy: exasperate (c) Gamble: investment (d) Embezzle: speculate (e) Enquire: ask
27. OPERATION THEATRE: SURGERY::_______:______?
(a) Judge: lawyer (b) Doctor : disease (c) Settlement: client (d) School : classes (d) Court: litigation
28. OVERLOOK: ABERRATION::______:______?
(a) Conviction: criminal (b) Error: omission (c) Condone: offence (d) Careless: loyalty (e) Mitigate: penitence
29. TRILOGY: NOVEL ::______:______?
(a) Rice: husk (b) Milk: cream(c) Fabric: weaving (d) Gun: cartridge (e) Serial: episode 30. IMPLICATE: INCRIMINATION::______:_____?
(a) Perjury: fraud (b) Embezzlement: charge ( c) Exonerate: acquittal (d) Involve: crime (e) Involvement: malpractice
31. HINDALIUM : ALUMINIUM ::______:______?
(a) Iron: lead (b) Carbon: manganese (c) Lead: silver (d) Brass: copper (e) Gold: antimony 32. PEACEFUL: RESISTANCE::_______:______?
(a) Litigation: lawlessness (b) Coherent: inconsistency (c) Dumb: follow (d) Diligent: reliability (e) Rough: forceful
33. BALL: THROW::______:______?
(a) Shuttle cock: racket (b) Ball: bat (c) Dog: pat (d) Hockey: ball (e) Shoot: rifle
34. JUDGE: ADJUDICATE ::_____:______?
(a) Advocate: jury (b) Mediator: reconcile (c) Lawyer: client (d) Appellant: implore (e) Researcher: mendate
35. PEDANT: ERUDITION ::______:______?
(a) Diplomat: tactless (b) Prude: modesty (c) Enemy: friendly (d) Blum: poiitician (e) Rude: politeness
36. SOLDIER: STENGUN ::______:______?
(a) Bow: arrow (b) Knight: sword (c) Lock: key (d) Horse: cart (e) Rifle: trigger 37. VOLCANO: LA VA ::______:_____?(a) Fault: earthquake (b) Death: sorrow (c) Delta: river (d) Rock: sand (e) Earth: crust
38. INTIMIDATE: WHEEDLE::____:_____?(a) Extol: disparage (b) Outwordly: truely (c) Defile: rebuke (d) Co-ordinate: disinter (e) Resolute: impetuous
39. CAPRICIOUS: RELIABILITY::_______:_______?
(a) Heated: boiling (b) Arbitrary: whimsical (c) Tenacious: practicality (d) Unreliable: inhuman (e) Extemporaneous: predictability
40. AGREEMENT: DISSENT ::_____:_____?(a) Contract: clauses (b) Schism: diverge (c) Impasse: concede (d) Touchdown: penalty (e) Latitude: resistance
41. EXPEND: REPLENISH ::_____:______?
(a) Occupy: re-occupy (b) Encroachment: occupy (c) Defect: rejoin (d) Formant: rebellion (e) Exhort: encourage
42. LOATH: COERCION::_______:______?
(a) Detest: caressing (b) Irritate: caressing(c) Irate: antagonism (d) Reluctant: persuasion (e) Contemplative: meditative
43. SCALES: FISH::_______:______?(a) Lady: dress (b) Skin: man (c) Tree: leaves (d) Bird: feather (e) Bear: fur
44. STOOL: BENCH ::________:_______?(a) Chair: table (b) Carpenter: chair (c) Foot-rule: yardstick (d) Wood: steel (e) Glass: cup
45. APPEAL: REFUSAL::_______:________?
(a) Obesity: overeating (b) Deny: affirmation (c) Try: failure (d) Struggle: victory (e) Examination: passing
46. WEIGHT: KILOGRAM ::______:______? (a) Pint: Liquid (b) Distance: kilometer (c) Mile: length (d) Pound: weight (e) Bushel: com
47. WRITER: PEN::______:_______?
(a) Needle: tailor (b) Artist: brush (c) Paint: painter (d) Teacher: class (e) Saw: carpenter 48. PAIN: MISERY::_______:_______?
(a) Disease: poverty (b) Despair: loneliness (c) Ignorance: confusion (d) Superstition: peasants (e) Ignore: greet
49. PAINTING: ARTIST ::________:_______?
(a) Song: singer (b) Musician: music (c) Author: novel (d) Cook: meal (e) Poem: poet 50. BARREL: VIAL ::______:_______?
(a) Length: height (b) Low: high (c) Brochure: compiler (d) Book: pamphlet (e) Book: readers 51. COAL: HEAT:: WAX:_____?
(a) Honey (b) Bee (c) Light (d) Energy
(a) Crew (b) Host (c) Airport (d) Aircraft
53. CLAY: POTTERY:: GOLD:_____:_____?
(a) Woman (b) Goldsmith (c) Ornaments (d) Metal
54. What is found once in Tea, twice in coffee but not in Milk?
(a) Cream (b) Water (c) Sugar (d) A vowel
55. WATER: ICE:: STEAM:______:_____?
(a) Heat (b) Water (c) Boil (d) Fire
56. OVERLOOK: TREACHERY::_____:_____?
(a) Punish: criminal (b) Mitigate: penitence (c) Overlook: abberation (d) Ignore: betrayal Answers with explanation
1. (e) Fury means violent excitement (rage) and ire is anger. Difference of degree or intensity exists in the question pair. Convulsion is more violent muscular contraction as compared to spasm.
2. (c) Ink is used to write on paper and chalk is used to write on blackboard.
3. (a) To exhibit remorse may result in absolution (freedom from consequences of a previous act) and to respond to questions with evasion may evoke suspicion. Cause and effect relationship. 4. (c) Vandalism is a malicious crime related with property. Perjury (false statement) is a crime connected with testimony.
5. (b) Flow-sheet is prepared by a manufacturer for the guidance of those involved in the manufacturing operations. Blue-print is prepared by the architect to guide the construction people.
6. (c) Excellent is greater is degree than good. Similarly, mountain is higher than hill. Difference of degree relationship.
7. (d) Nitrogen is a gas and Mercury is a liquid. Relation of physical properties of the material.
8. (e) Incandescent in a synonym for glowing. Similarly, indefatigable is a synonym for untiring. In pairs (c) and (d), for Tedious there should have been boring and not Boor, and similarly Oaf and not Oafish.
9. (d) The Editor works on the magazine to bring it into shape for presentation to readers. The Director works on the film to make it ready for release to the viewers. Here is the relationship of association. In other choices, the sequence is not matching the question pair.
10. (c) As rust can be caused by deterioration, unemployment can be caused by depression.
11. (c) Intelligensia is characterised as Elitist; Rabble (common class of people) may be characterised as Plebeian (belonging to lower social class of people).
12. (e) Tedious is synonym for boring and Indefatigable is synonym for untiring.
13. (c) Elevated (promoted/advancement) and Exalted both have same meaning but latter is lesser in degree or intensity. Similarly, Dirty is a lower degree of unc leanliness.
14. (e) A ticket enables admission and money enables to buy luxuries.
15. (b) Music will be produced from a harmonium only if a skilled person plays it. Similarly, words will be processed if a skilled operator uses word-processor. Choice (e) could have been correct if words were in reverse order to match the question pair sequence.
16. (c) Energy can be wasted or dissipated just as money can be wasted or squandered.
17. (b) The primary function of the commander is to command. Similarly a senator legislates. This is a functional relationship.
18. (e) Constituent is one of the components of a formula. Similarly, Term is the constituent of an Equation. Whole and part relationship.
19. (d) Lugubrious is a person more gloomy and a sorrowful person is only gloomy. Similarly as euphoric person has more feelings of well being than a cheerful person. Same meaning words having degree of difference.
20. (e) Just as socks are made to fit and cover the feet, gloves are made to fit and cover the hands.
21. (e) As student gets marks for good work in a test or examination, waiter gets a tip for giving good service.
22. (c) Knob must be on a door, a nose must be on a face.
23. (e) Primeval period is associated with the dinosaur and medieval period with the dragon.
24. (c) Deplete means to exhaust and enervate means to become weak. Exhaust and enfeeble also means the same. The relationship is analogous with degree of difference only.
25. (c) A candle is a source of light as a battery is a source of power.
26. (b) Embarrass and humiliate are similar in meaning but latter is stronger in degree. Same relation exists between annoy and exasperate.
27 (e) Operation theatre is a place where surgery is performed and court is a place for settlement of litigations.
28. (c) One can overlook an error or an aberration; one can also pardon (condone) an offence.
29. (e) Triology is a work consisting of three novels, a serial is a work consisting of a number of episodes (instalments). A whole and part relationship.
30. (c) Incrimination means to charge someone with a crime. To implicate someone in a crime is to connect him with the crime which would lead to his incrimination. To exonerate a person charged with a crime would free him and lead to his acquittal.
31. (d) Hindalium is an alloy from aluminium and brass is an alloy made from copper.
32. (b) A peaceful person does not show resistance, a coherent person is usually well organised and does not show inconsistency.
33. (c) You can throw a ball and pat a dog. Relationship is of action on a subject.
34. (b) A judge adjudicates and a mediator helps in reconciliation. The second term in both cases is a major function of the first term.
35. (b) Pedant relates to a person who attaches too much importance to learning or erudition and prude is a person who displays excessive modesty.
36. (b) A stengun is soldier's weapon like a sword which is a weapon for knight. Functional relationship.
37. (a) Volcano causes lava to flow. Faulting or displacement of earth's crust causes an earthquake. Both are natural occurrences connected with earth.
38. (a) Intimidation is forcing by fear a person to take action, while wheedle is persuading a person by flattery. Extol means _praise highly and disparage means to belittle or treat slightingly. Pairs of opposite meaning.
39. (e) Capricious behaviour is not characterised by reliability. Extemporaneous actions are not characterised by predictability.
40. (c) An agreement may end if one of the parties to it begins to dissent. An impasse may end if one of the parties will concede a points to the other.
41. (c) Expend means to use up, and replenish is to refill. To defect is to desert whereas rejoin means to return to the company of those one has left. An opposite relationship.
42. (d) If someone is loath (unwilling) to do something, coercion (use of force) may be required to change his mind. Similarly, if a person is reluctant, he may be persuaded to change his mind.
43. (b) Scales are external coverings of a fish as skin is external covering of human body. Choice (d) could have been also correct if the word pair should have been "Feather : Bird" so as to match the question pair in sequence.
44. (c) Stool and bench both are for sitting purposes, the difference lies in the size (bench is bigger than stool). Similarly, foot-rule and yardstick both are for measuring the length, the difference is that the yardstick is bigger than the foot-rule.
45. (c) When one appeals, one expects an acceptance and not refusal. When one tries, one expects success and not failure. The relationship is negative response to an action.
46. (b) Measurement of weight is expressed in kg as measurement of distance is expressed in krn, In answer choices (a) and (c) could have been acceptable if the sequence of the words have been reverse in order to match the question pair.
47. (b) A writer needs pen for his work and an artist needs a brush for his work. Other answer choices have been rejected as they do not follow the sequence of question pair.
48. (c) Pain causes misery and ignorance causes confusion.
49. (e) A painting is made by an artist and poem is created by a poet. In other choices the sequence of word pair is not in line with the question pair.
50. (d) Both the barrel and vial can hold liquid-barrel is bigger in volume than a vial. Similarly both book and pamphlet consist of pages, the book is much larger in size.
51. (c) Coal is a source of heat, and wax is source of candle which in turn gives light.
52. (d) Receptionists work in office and hostess works in Aircraft.
53. (c) Clay is turned into pottery and gold into ornaments.
54. (d) The vowel 'e'.
55. (b) Water is frozen into ice and steam is condensed into water.
56. (d) 'Overlook the Treachery' is analogous to 'Ignoring the Betrayal'. Alphabet/Letter

Verbal Reasoning Test -2

Worker and article relationship
Example EDITOR: NEWSPAPER :: _________:________
(a) Table: carpenter(b) Journal: journalist (c) Author: novel (d) Blacksmith: furnace (e) Typist: tabulation
Answer (c) As an editor edits and creates a newspaper, similarly an author writes a novel. In the choices a and b, the relationship is correct but the sequence does not match that of the word pair given in capital letters.
1.SCULPTOR: BUST :: ____:_____
(a) Poem: poet(b) Driver : toyota (c) Composer: symphony(d) Scholar : research(e) Painting: Mona Lisa
2.ARCHITECT: BUILDING ::_____:_____
(a) Electrician: voltmeter (b) Engineer: blue-print(c) Goldsmith: wedding ring(d) Judge : courtroom(e) Bacteriologist: microbiology
3.CARPENTER: FURNITURE ::_____:______
(a) Book: author (b) Magazine : editor(c) Cook: soup (d) Dam: civil engineer(e) Producer: distributor
4.WRITER: TEXT BOOK :: _____:_____
(a) Building: architect (b) Book: publisher(c) Tailor: wedding suit (d) Book: book-binder(e) Hair-dresser: hair-setting
Answers 1. (c), L. (c), 3. (c), 4. (c) Worker and tool relationship
Example SURGEON: FORCEPS :: _____:_____
(a) Refugee: asylum (b) Buoy: channel(c) Caucasian: saxon (d) Doctor: prescription (e) Blacksmith: hammer
Answer (e) A surgeon uses a forceps; similarly a blacksmith uses a hammer.
1.WRITER: PEN ::_________:_________
(a) Pencil: eraser (b) Ball-point Pen: note-book (c) Typewriter: paper (d) Carpenter: saw ( e) Gun: hunter
2.DRIVER: FORKLIFT::_______:______
(a) Fireman: engine (b) Conductor: bus(c) Tailor: sewing machine (d) Furnace: blacksmith (e) Blitz: editor
3.ELECTRICIAN: VOLTMETER::________:________
(a) Carpenter: wood (b) Tailor: cloth (c) Cook: food (d) Teacher: pupil (e) Hunter: gun
(a) Doctor: medicines (b) Surgeon: operation theater (c) Thermometer: doctor (d) Matiny Idol: silver screen (e) Cobbler: leather shoe
Answers 1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (e), 4. (c)
NOTE In most answer choices here, the relationship is in agreement with that of the question pair (words in capital), but the sequence does not match that of the question pair.
Tool and object relationship
This is the relationship of the tool with the object on which it works.
Example SCISSORS: CLOTH ::______:_______
(a) Pen: ink (b) Refrigerator: ammonia (c) Furnace: smoke (d) Amulet: evil (e) Razor: hair
Answer (e) A pair of scissors is used to cut cloth. A razor is used to cut hair.
1.HAMMER: NAIL::_______:_______
(a) Carpenter: saw (b) Electrician: screw-driver(c) Saw: wood (d) Pencil: sharpener (e) Scooter: Vijay Super 2.ERASER: PAPER ::_______:_______
(a) Ink remover: ink (b) Boil: shell(c) Gas: generator (d) Lamp: oil (e) Knife: meat
3.GRASS CUTTER: LAWN:: ______:______
(a) Grasshopper: field (b) Gardener: garden (c) Flower bed: irrigation (d) Field: trees (e) Screw-driver: screw
4.HACK-SAW: METAL::______:______
(a) Lawn: lawn-mower (b) Typescript: typewriter (c) W ord- Processor : type-setter (d) Microscope: bacteria (e) Nail-cutter: nails
Answers 1. (c), 2. (e), 3. (e), 4. (e)
Whole and part, part and whole, and part and part relationship
In Whole and Part relationship, the second term of the question pair, represents something that is part of the first term of question pair. For example,
CAR (whole) : WHEEL (part)
In Part and Whole relationship, the first word of the question pair represents something that is the part of what the second word in question pair stands for. For example,
Coil Motor (part) (whole)
In Part and Part relationship, both the terms of the question pair are part of something whole or bigger. For example,
Head Legs (part) (part) = both are parts of BODY
Example An 'Atom' is related to 'Molecule', in the same way as a 'Cell'is related to:
(a) Organism (c) Battery (b) Phone (d) Nucleus
Answer (a) Molecule is made up of number of atoms, in the same way, an organism is made up of number of cells.
Exercise 1. STAR: CONSTELLATION::_____:_____
(a) Car: wheel(b) Electric motor: copper coil (c) Batallion: soldier (d) Fleet: vehicular transports (e) Quintal: tonne
2.Soldier: Regiment ::______:______
(a) Wheels: bearings (b) Shaft: bearings(d) Book: printer (c) Coil: motor (e) Nitrogen: gas 3.FLOTILLA: PT BOATS::______:_______
(a) Empire: sovereign (b) Salvo: broadside (c) Sonar: submarine (d) Squadron: bombers (e) Ligature: wound
4.PORTFOLIO: SECURITIES ::(a) Silo: convert (b) Corsage: box (c) Panel: jurors (d) Bureau: commission (e) Cabinet: carpentry
Answers l. (e), 2. (c), 3. (d), 4. (c)
1.Constellation is a number of fixed stars grouped within an imaginary outline as viewed from the earth and stars are therefore part of a constellation. Similarly, Quintal is a part of Tonne. This is Part and Whole relationship.
2.Soldiers form part of a Regiment as coil forms a part of motor. This is Part and Whole relationship.
3.Flotilla is a fleet of small warships, such as PT Boats. A group of Bombers is a Squadron. This is Whole and Part relationship.
4.A Portfolio is the entire group of securities a person holds for investment. A panel is a whole group of jurors.
Degree of difference (or intensity) relationship
Here, the two words in the question pair are similar in meaning, but one of the words is stronger or greater in degree than the other word in the pair.
Example PECCADILLO: CRIME :: ______:______
(a) Sheriff: jail (b) Police: thieves (c) Hesitate: procrastinate (d) Armadillo: bone (e) Bushel: peck
Answer (c) A Peccadillo is a small offence, a crime is large offence. To hesitate is to pause before action (lesser degree); to procrastinate is to postpone action (greater degree). Example SHOUT: WHISPER :: RUN : ______:_______
(a) Stay (b) Stand (c) Walk (d) Hop
Answer (c) 'Degree of intensity'. To whisper is oflesser intense than shouting, so is walking to running.
1.ZEPHYR: GALE ::_____:_____
(a) Imprint: emboss (b) Gust: gusset (d) Decay: rot (c) Trickle: torrent (e) Contribute: bequest
2.SELDOM: RARELY::(a) Frequent: infrequently (b) Often: usually (c) Collectively: selectively (d) Tantamount: equivalent(e) Basic: fundamental
3.IRRITATED: EXASPERATED ::(a) Stolid: sordid (b) Pubescent: mature (c) Abounding: glutted (d) Overdue: redundant (e) Contemptous: contemptible
4.CHOP: MINCE :: _____:_____ (a) Fry: bake (b) Meat: cake (c) Axe: mallet (d) Stir: beat (e) Vegetables: soup
Answers 1. (c), 2. (b), 3. (c), 4. (d)
1.Zephyr is a milder wind than gale. Trickle is a smaller flow of liquid than torrent.
2.Seldom means not very often. Rarely is more extreme than seldom. Often means quite frequent but usually is more extreme in meaning, i.e. most of the time.
3.A person irritated very greatly would be exasperated. A market abounding with wheat would have plenty of wheat, but not as much as a market glutted with wheat.
4.Mince is to cut finer than to chop. To beat is more extreme than to stir.
Classification relationship
Classification of words can be biological, chemical, physical or on any other basis. The first term in the question pair is related to the second term based on their classifications. For instance, Table and Chair can be put under the class of Furniture.
Example COW: MAMMAL ::____:_____
(a) Buffalo: cattle (c) Sheep: wool (e) Snake: reptile (b) Beef: mutton (d) Deer: venison
Answer (e) A cow is classified as a mammal and a snake as reptile.
1.TOADS: AMPHIBIAN::____:_____
(a) Frogs: salamanders (b) Larvae: caecillans (c) Caterpillars: butterfly (d) Lobsters: crustaceans (e) Fishes: urodeles
2.DRUPES: RASPBERRIES ::_____:_____(a) Peaches: cherries (b) Blackberries: peaches (c) Halophyte: sea lavender (d) Walnuts: peanuts (e) Olive: plum
3.Legume : Beans ::_____:_____
(a) Cloves: chilli (b) Carrot: oyster (c) Osprey: ostrich (d) Fishes: starfish (e) Shrubs: leaves
4.BUFFALO: MILCH-CATTLE::_____:_____
(a) Cow: goat (b) Man: mammal (c) Bull: cow (d) Vertebrate: reptiles (e) Metallic: mercury
Answers 1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (d), 4. (b)
Classification here pertains to botanical and zoological classification of Plant and Animal kingdoms.
Functional relationship
Example JUDGE: HEARINGS ::________:_______
(a) Jury: court (b) Lawyer: evidence (c) Jurisprudence: advocate (d) Senator: legislations (e) Tribunal: reconciliation
Answer (d) As a Judge participates in court hearings, similarly Senator legislates.
1.BALLAST: STABILITY ::______:_____
(a) Spring: resiliency (b) Flotation: airless (c) Armour: obduracy (d) Fuel: thermals (e) Spinnaker: seaworthiness
2.EQUIVOCATION: MISLEADS ::______:______
(a) Misdirection: intrigues (b) Rebuttal: confuses (c) Elucidation: clarifies (d) Interrogation: answers (e) Extrapolation: reverses
3.DOCTOR: DISEASE ::______:______
( a) Miser: money (b) Illness: prescription ( c) Sheriff: crime (d) Theft: punishment ( e) Intern: hospital
4.TONGS: HOLD ::______:_____
(a) Surgeon: scalp (b) Carpenter: hand-saw (c) Scissors: cut (d) Pen: note-book (e) Eraser: pencil
Answers 1. (a), 2. (c), 3. (c), 4. (c)
1.Ballast is heavy material which gives stability to a ship. Springs provide resiliency to a car. 2.Equivocation means use of ambiguous expressions which mislead. Similarly elucidation is throwing light upon something, which clarifies the subject. 3.A doctor's function is to eliminate disease. Similarly a Sheriff seeks to eliminate cnme. 4.Tongs are used to hold something and a pair of scissors is used to cut.
Sex relationship
Example DOG: BITCH ::______:______
(a) Woman: lady (b) Boy: girl (c) Stallion: horse (d) Buffalo: cow (e) Duck: drake Answer (b) Female and Male relationship. The order is important.
1.STALLION: MARE::______:_______
(a) Goose: rat (b) Fish: prawn (c) Crow: hen (d) Reptile: snake (e) Emperor: empress
2.STAG: DEER ::_______:_______
(a) Otter: ostrich (b) Ox: bull (c) Mare: horse (d) Duck: duckling (e) Bull: cow
3.SPINSTER: BACHELOR ::_____:______
(a) Kingfisher: hedgehog (b) Rooster: chicken (c) Fox: vixen (d) Human: child (e) Cow: bull
4.BRIDE: BRIDEGROOM ::______:_____
(a)Lion:Cub (b) Calf:herd
(c) Husband: wife (d) Swan: cygnet (e) Mare: stallion Answer 1. (e), 2. (e), 3. (e), 4. (e) Sequential relationship
Example EIGHT: NINE ::________:_____
(a) Ten: nine (b) Six: twelve (c) [23: 32]check (d) Four: 2 (e) Eight: eighty
Answer (c) Eight is followed by Nine in the same way that [23]check, which is eight, is followed by [32]check, which is nine.
Example Which one of the following satisfies the relationship Dda : aDD :: RIb : ____:_____?
(a) DDA (c) bRR (b) RRR (d) BBr
Answer (c) The last alphabet of first word becomes the first alphabet of second word and also, rest of the alphabets of first words become 'capital' alphabets. So, Dda ~ aDD and Rrb ~ bRR.
Exercise 1.20: 21 ::_____:____?
(a) A: C (b) 10:9 (c) M: N (d) 20:40 (e) 5: 10
2.DAWN: TWILIGHT::_____:_____?
(a) Night: day (b) Nine : ninety (c) Prologue: epilogue (d) Day : evening (e) Ten: twenty
3.SUMMER: WINTER ::_____:_____?
(a) Monday: saturday (b) Monday : tuesday (c) Sunday: holiday (d) Spring: summer (e) Conclusion: Inception
4.INCEPTION: CONCLUSION :: _ (a) Death: birth (b) Day: night (c) Afternoon: morning (d) Summer: monsoon (e) January: march
Answers 1. (c), 2. (c), 3. (b), 4. (b)
Explanations (c) As 21 follows 20, N follows M. (c) Davin represents beginning of day and twilight represents end of day. Similarly, a prologue comes at the beginning of the book and epilogue at the end of a book. (b) As summer precedes winter, Monday precedes Tuesday. (b) 'Conclusion' follows . Inception', in the same manner as 'night' follows' day' .
Age relationship
Example LION: CUB ::_____:______
(a) Rooster: chicken (b) Fox: vixen (c) Daisey. rose (d) Human: child (e) Horse: mule
Answer (d) Cub is a young lion, a child is a young human.
1.HARE: LEVERET ::____:_____?
(a) Gander: goose (b) Radiolaria: larvae (c) Proboscidea: elephants (d) Horse: stallion (e) Cow: calf
2.DUCK: DUCKLING ::____:_____?
(a) Child: man (b) Girl: woman (c) Frog: tadpole (d) Deer: gang (e) Giraffe: zebra
3.CATERPILLAR : BUTTERFLY::_______:________ ?
(a) Fish: brace (b) Cock: hen (c) Callow: maturity (d) Swan: cygnet (e) Child: baby
4.CYGNET: SWAN :: _ (a) Monotremata: dynasties (b) Frog: toad (c) Shrub: flower (d) Rat: goose (e) Cub: lion Answer 1. (e), 2. (c), 3. (c), 4. (e)
Association relationship
Example CAT: FELINE :: (a) Horse: equine (b) Tiger: carnivorous (c) Bird: vulpine (d) Chair: furniture (e) Sit: recline
Answer (a) Feline means relating to cats, equine means relating to horse .
1.DEVIL: WRONG ::_____:______?
(a) Colour: sidewalk (b) Slipper: state (c) Ink: writing (d) Picture: bed (e) Repose: synergist
2.ALCHEMIST: GOLD ::______:______?
(a) Druggist: chemistry (b) Computer: COBOL (c) Abrasion: oil (d) Insignia: segregation (e) Flexible: rigid
3.TIME: CLOCK ::_____:______?
(a) Hair spring: wrist watch (b) Date: calendar (c) Sincerity: disloyal (d) Sharp: blunt (e) Nip: crush
4.ASSISTANT: FILES::_____:______?
(a) Fever: temperature (b) Constitution: code (c) Revival: time (d) Farmer: tractor (e) Sewing Machine: Singer
(a) Teachers (b) Class rooms (c) Students (d) Building
6.SAW: CARPEN1ER:: PEN:______?
(a) Ink (b) Nib (c) Writer (d) None of these
Answers 1. (c), 2. (b), 3. (b), 4. (d), 5. (c) 'students' are admitted into 'schools' to get 'education' just as 'patients' are admitted into 'hospitals' to get 'treatment', 6. (c) 'saw' is used by 'carpenter' just as 'pen' is used by 'writers'.
Explanations (c) 'Ink' is associated with 'writing', as the 'devil' is with 'wrong'. (b) 'Alchemist' is associated with 'gold', as the 'computer' is with 'COBOL'. (b) As 'clock' shows 'time', 'calendar' shows 'dates'. (d) 'Assistant' has the same association with 'files', as 'farmer' has with 'tractor' .
Characterization relationship
The first term characterizes or is characterized by the second term. The first term may be a person, place or thing. Characterization can be proper or opposite."
Example HOST: HOSPITABLE ::_______:________
(a) Artist: imitative (b) Guest: rude (c) Humanitarian: altruistic (d) Idealist: cynical (e) Pollyanna: pessimistic
Answer (c) As a host is supposed to be hospitable, in the same way, a humanitarian is expected to be altruistic.
Exercise 1.DIPLOMAT: TACTLESS ::_____:______?
(a) Starveling: weak (b) Boor: offensive (c) Charlatan: guileful (d) Coward: intrepid (e) Acrobat: agile 2.INDOLENCE: BEAVER ::_____:_____?
(a) Joviality: hyena (b) Passivity: cow (c) Ferocity: lamb (d) Elegance: peacock (e) Wisdom: owl 3.VINDICTIVENESS: FELLOWSHIP :: ____:____?
(a) . Venality: probity (b) Equanimity: stability (c) Rancour: surliness (d) Fortitude: patience (e) Pollution: wastes
(a) Passivity: activist (b) Gender: sexuality (c) Repose: synergist (d) Complicity: culprit ( e) Entropy: philanthropy
Answers 1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (a), 4. (a)
1.An example of opposite characterization. No one would expect a diplomat to be tactless. Similarly, a coward cannot be expected to be intrepid.
2.Indolence is the opposite characterization of that usually symbolized by the beaver. Similarly ferocity is the opposite characteristic of that usually symbolised by lamb.
3.Vindictiveness is not a characteristic of fellowship and Venality is not a characteristic of probity.
4.Neutrality does not characterize someone who is a participant in discussion or fight, etc. Passivity does not characterize someone who is an activist in dealing with social values.
Symbolic relationship
Example MACE: MAJESTY:: _______:________?
(a) King: crown (b) Sword: soldier (c) Degree: knowledge (d) Book: knowledge (e) House: security
Answer (c) A mace is a symbol of majesty, it signifies authority. A degree also signifies that a person has graduated. It signifies that someone possess knowledge.
1.GREEN: CLEAR :: (a) Blue: black (b) Red: roses (c) Red-cross: hospital (d) Cross: church (e) Altar: worship
2.CROWN: MONARCHY:: (a) Flag: army (b) Tricolour: freedom (c) Insignia: quality (d) Trade Mark: hallmark (e) Swastika: fortune
3.STARS: RANK ::(a) Stars: fortune (b) Sky: milkyway (c) Silver lining : rainbow (d) Red: danger (e) Clear: green
4.BLACK: SORROW:: (a) Black: funeral (b) Red: blood (c) Victoria Cross: bravery (d) Christianity: cross (e) Crusade: religion
Answers 1. (c), 2. (e), 3. (d), 4. (c)
1.Green light/flag signifies road/traffic clear sign. The Redcross symbolises a hospital.
2.Crown signifies authority of the Monarch and Swastika sign symbolises fortune and luck. 3.Stars in the Army signify rank and Red signifies danger.
4.Black colour symbolises sorrow and Victoria Cross is token of bravery. In (d) relationship is correct but sequence is not matching the question pair
Raw material and finished product relationship
Example ORANGE: MARMALADE :: _____:_____?
(a) Potato: vegetable (b) Jelly: jam (c) Insignia: quality (d) Tomato: ketchup (e) Sandwich: ham
Answer (d) Marmalade is a product made from oranges as ketchup is made from tomatoes.
1.HAM: PORK ::_____:____?
(a) Pickle: sardine (b) Jelly: sandwich(c) Ingredients: curry (d) Chocolate: coffee (e) Wine: grapes
2.NOODLES: FLOUR ::____:_____?
(a) Snacks: breakfast (b) Tomato: gravy (c) Beans: coffee (d) Vegetables: pickles (e) Thread : cotton
3.COCOA: CHOCOLATE:: (a) Coconut: tonned milk (b) Butter: milk (c) Sardine: fish (d) Crunchy: crackers (e) Wax: candles
4.JELLY: GELATINE :: _ (a) Cake: fruits (b) Palm: pickle (c) Fruit: ice-cream (d) Butter: sandwich (e) Iodex: iodine
5.SHOE : LEATHER :: HIGHWAY: (a) Passage (b) Road (c) Asphalt (d) Trail
Answers 1 (e), 2. (e), 3. (e), 4. (e), 5. (c)
Explanations 1. (e) Ham is preserved pig meat; pork is fresh pig meat; wine is made by processing and preserving grapes.
2.(e) Noodles are made from flour; thread is made from cotton.
3.(e) Cocoa is used to make chocolate; wax is used to make candles.
4.(e) Jelly is made of Gelatine; Iodex is made ofIodine.
5.(c) As shoe is made of leather; a highway is made of asphalt.
Place relationship
Example ITALY: MILAN :: _____:____?
(a) Paris: Moscow (b) Moscow: Russia (c) Spain: Madrid (d) Manhattan: New York (e) Norway: Sweden
Answer (c) Milan is in Italy as Madrid is in Spain.
1.RED FORT: DELHI :: ____:____?
(a) Chicago: USA (b) Albany: New York (c) Agra: Taj Mahal (d) Chandigarh: Rock Garden (e) Delhi: Jama Masjid
2.PUNJAB: AMRITSAR :: ____:_____?
(a) Golden Temple: Arnritsar (b) Moscow: Russia (c) India: Asia (d) Agra: Taj Mahal (e) Sydney: Australia
3.MIAMI: FLORIDA :: _____:_____?
(a) Albany: New York (b) Chicago: Albany(c) South America : Sydney (d) Chicago: USA (e) Film Studio: Pune
(a) Delhi: JNU (b) New Delhi: AIIMS (c) Chandigarh: PGI (d) Film Studio: Pune (e) Delhi: Kutab Minar
Answers 1. (b), 2. (d), 3. (a), 4. (d)
1.Red Fort is in Delhi, Albany is in New York.
2.Amritsar is in Punjab, Taj Mahal is in Agra.
3.Miami is in Florida, Albany is in New York. 4.Rock Garden is in Chandigarh, Film Studio is in Pune.
Now that you have covered the various types of common word analogies, attempt the following test and write down your answers. Compare them with the answers given after the test. Study the explanation given with each answer. Even if you got the answer correct, a study of the explanation will bring out the correct way of arriving at the answer.