Answers must be written in Gujarati
Section –A
Gujarati Language : Form and History
1. History of Gujarati Language with special reference to New Indo- Aryan i.e , last one thousand years.
2. Significant features of the Gujarati language : Phonology, morphology and syntax.
3. Major dialects : Surti , Pattani, Ch`rot`ri `nd Rour`shtri.
History of Gujarati Literature
Medieval :
4. Jaina tradition
5. Bhakti tradition : Sagun and Nirgun (Jnanmargi).
6. Non- sectarian tradition (Laukik parampara)
Modern :
7.Sudharak yug
8.Pandit yug
9.Gandhi yug
10. Anu- Gandhi yug
11. Adunik yug
Section –B
Literary Forms : (Salient features , history and development of the following literary forms) :
(a) Medieval
1.Narratives : Rasa, Akhyan and Padyavarta
2.Lyrical : Pada
(b) Folk
(c) Modern
4. Fiction : Novel and short story
5. Drama
6. Literary Essay
7. Lyrical Poetry
(d) Criticism
8. History of theoretical Gujarati criticism
9. Recent research in folk tradition
Answers must be written in Gujarati
The paper will require first hand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the critical ability of the candidate.
Section – A
(i) Vasantvilas phagu- AJNATKRUT
(ii) Kadambari – BHALAN
(iii) Sudamacharitra - PREMANAND
(iv) Chandrachandravatni varta- SHAMAL
(iii) Akhegeeta- AKHO
2. Sudharakyug & Pandityug
(vii) Farbasveerah- DALPATRAM
(viii) Saraswatichandra- Part- I- FOVARDHANRAM TRIPATHI
1. Gandhiyug & Anu Gandhiyug
(ii) Patanni Prabhuta- KANHAIYALAL MUNSHI
(iv) Saurashtrani Rasdhar Part-1- ZAVERCHAND MEGHANI
(v) Manvini Bhavai- PANNALAL PATEL
(vi) Dhavni – RAJENDRA SHAH
2. Adhunik yug
(vii) Saptapadi- - UMASHANKAR JOSHI
(viii) Janantike- SURESH JOSHI
0 commentsPAPER-I
Answers must be written in German
1.Structure of Language- Candidates are expected to have a thorough knowledge of German grammar with reference to specific aspects such as word order, syntactic structures and semantics.
2.Essay in German- Candidates are expected to demonstrate command over techniques of written expression in German by writing an essay on a contemporary topic of a general nature.
Part- B
Translation of a text of a general nature from Englhsh hnto Gerlan.Socho- political and cultur`l history of Germany from the 18th century onwards with special reference to :
(a) Impact of Enlightenment on German society and culture.
(b) The impact of Prussian culture on Germany.
(c) Cultural debates in the Weimar Republic.
(d) The concept of culture under National Socialism in Germany.
(e) The development of two German literatures and cultures after 1945.
(f) Reunification of Germany and the problems of cultural pluralism.
(g) The role and relevance of German language and literature in the European Union.
Answers must be written in German
Development of German literature from the 19th century to the present.
Candidates should know the main trends, representative authors and their important works. The emphasis is not on collecting information on works and authors, but the candidates is expected to identify features of a literary epoch on the basis of representative texts.
The Study of literary genres.
Candidates must be aware of the characteristic features of the different genres like Roman, Novelle, Drama, Ballade, Elegid, Marchen, Fabein, Kurzgeschichte.
1. Perceptions of Literary Interpretation.
Candidates should be aware of various approaches to a critical understanding of literature.
2. Study of Selected Texts.
(a) Goethe : Die Leiden des jungen Werther.
(b) Schiller : Maria Stuart.
(c) Eichendorff, Gedichte.
(d) Gottfried Keller : Kleider machen Leute.
(e) Thomas Mann : Die vertauschten Kopfe.
(f) Franz Kafka : Vor Dem Gesetz.
(g) Friedrich Durrenmatt : Die Physiker.
(h) Max Frisch : Andorra.
(i) Heinrich Boll : Die verlorence Ehre der Katharina Blum.
(j) Ingeborg Bachrnann : Alles (aus dem, Erzahlband : Das dre Bigste jahr)
(k) Rose Auslander : Gedichte.
(l) Christa Wolf : Der geteilte Himmel,
(m) Gunter Grass : Zunge Zeigen.
Answers must be written in German
1.Structure of Language- Candidates are expected to have a thorough knowledge of German grammar with reference to specific aspects such as word order, syntactic structures and semantics.
2.Essay in German- Candidates are expected to demonstrate command over techniques of written expression in German by writing an essay on a contemporary topic of a general nature.
Part- B
Translation of a text of a general nature from Englhsh hnto Gerlan.Socho- political and cultur`l history of Germany from the 18th century onwards with special reference to :
(a) Impact of Enlightenment on German society and culture.
(b) The impact of Prussian culture on Germany.
(c) Cultural debates in the Weimar Republic.
(d) The concept of culture under National Socialism in Germany.
(e) The development of two German literatures and cultures after 1945.
(f) Reunification of Germany and the problems of cultural pluralism.
(g) The role and relevance of German language and literature in the European Union.
Answers must be written in German
Development of German literature from the 19th century to the present.
Candidates should know the main trends, representative authors and their important works. The emphasis is not on collecting information on works and authors, but the candidates is expected to identify features of a literary epoch on the basis of representative texts.
The Study of literary genres.
Candidates must be aware of the characteristic features of the different genres like Roman, Novelle, Drama, Ballade, Elegid, Marchen, Fabein, Kurzgeschichte.
1. Perceptions of Literary Interpretation.
Candidates should be aware of various approaches to a critical understanding of literature.
2. Study of Selected Texts.
(a) Goethe : Die Leiden des jungen Werther.
(b) Schiller : Maria Stuart.
(c) Eichendorff, Gedichte.
(d) Gottfried Keller : Kleider machen Leute.
(e) Thomas Mann : Die vertauschten Kopfe.
(f) Franz Kafka : Vor Dem Gesetz.
(g) Friedrich Durrenmatt : Die Physiker.
(h) Max Frisch : Andorra.
(i) Heinrich Boll : Die verlorence Ehre der Katharina Blum.
(j) Ingeborg Bachrnann : Alles (aus dem, Erzahlband : Das dre Bigste jahr)
(k) Rose Auslander : Gedichte.
(l) Christa Wolf : Der geteilte Himmel,
(m) Gunter Grass : Zunge Zeigen.
Answer must be written in French except in the case of question requiring translation from French to English.
1.Main trends in French Literature – (a) Classicism, (b) Rommanticism, (c) Realism
2.Art in France- (a) Romanticism, (b) Realism, (c) Impressionism
3.The Vth Republic- (a) De Gaulle and the Vth Republique (b) May 1968, (c) Pompidou, (d) Giscard d’ Estaing , (e) Mitterrand , (f) Chirac
4.Translation – French to English (2 passages of socio- politico- economic nature of 200 words each).
1.Main trends in French Literature - , (a) Symbolism, (b) Surrealism, (c) Theatre of the Absurd
2.Art in French- (a) Surrealism, (b) Cubism, (c) Abstract Painting .
3.The Vth Republic – (a) Parts politiques en France, (b) Place et role du President de la Ve Republique
(c) Le gouvernement
(d) Le Parlement
(a) Le Senat
4.Translation – English to French (2 passages of socio-politico-economic nature of 200 words each).
Answers must be written in French
This paper will require an in – depth reading of the following texts and the questions will be designed to test the candidate’s critical ability.
1. X VIIth Century :
(a) Corneille : Le Cid
(b) Racine : Andromaque
(c) Moliere : L’ Avare
2.X VIIIth Century :
(a) Beaumarchais : Le Mariage de Figaro
3. XIXth Century
(a) Lamartine : Le lac Le Vallon
(b) Victor Hugo : La Conscience. Elle Avait Pris Ce Pli... Demain , Des L’ Aube
(c) Victor Hugo : Hernani
(d)Musset : Souvenir. La Nuit de December
(e) Marimee : Colomba
(f) Balzac : Eugenie Grandet
(g) Flaubert : Madame Bovary
(h) Baudelaire : L’ Invitation au Voyage, Recueillement. L’ Albatros.
(i) Rimbaud : Le Dormeur du Val
(j) Verlaine : Chanson d’ Automne Mon Reve Familier , II Pleure Dans mon Coeur…
4. X Xth Century
(a) Appolinaire : Nuit Rhenane, Le Pont Mirabeau
(b) Jacques Prevert : Pour Faire Le portrait d’Un Oiseau, Barbara.
(c) Paul Eltard : Libertd
(d) Paul Valery : Les Pas, La Fileuse
(e) Andre Gide : La Symphonie pastorale
(f) Camus : L’ Etranger
(g) Sartre : Les Mains Sales
(h) Lonesco : Rhinoceros
(a) Gerard Besette : Le Libraire
(b) Ananda Devi : Le Voile de Draupadi
(c) Cheikh Hamidou Kane: L’ Aventure Ambigiue
(d) Abdellatif Laabi : Poemesen Prose
1.L’ Arbre a poemes (L’Etreinte du Monde)
2.Les Reves viennent mourir sur la page (L’Etreinte du Monde)
5.Essay of general nature on a contemporary theme.
Answer must be written in French except in the case of question requiring translation from French to English.
1.Main trends in French Literature – (a) Classicism, (b) Rommanticism, (c) Realism
2.Art in France- (a) Romanticism, (b) Realism, (c) Impressionism
3.The Vth Republic- (a) De Gaulle and the Vth Republique (b) May 1968, (c) Pompidou, (d) Giscard d’ Estaing , (e) Mitterrand , (f) Chirac
4.Translation – French to English (2 passages of socio- politico- economic nature of 200 words each).
1.Main trends in French Literature - , (a) Symbolism, (b) Surrealism, (c) Theatre of the Absurd
2.Art in French- (a) Surrealism, (b) Cubism, (c) Abstract Painting .
3.The Vth Republic – (a) Parts politiques en France, (b) Place et role du President de la Ve Republique
(c) Le gouvernement
(d) Le Parlement
(a) Le Senat
4.Translation – English to French (2 passages of socio-politico-economic nature of 200 words each).
Answers must be written in French
This paper will require an in – depth reading of the following texts and the questions will be designed to test the candidate’s critical ability.
1. X VIIth Century :
(a) Corneille : Le Cid
(b) Racine : Andromaque
(c) Moliere : L’ Avare
2.X VIIIth Century :
(a) Beaumarchais : Le Mariage de Figaro
3. XIXth Century
(a) Lamartine : Le lac Le Vallon
(b) Victor Hugo : La Conscience. Elle Avait Pris Ce Pli... Demain , Des L’ Aube
(c) Victor Hugo : Hernani
(d)Musset : Souvenir. La Nuit de December
(e) Marimee : Colomba
(f) Balzac : Eugenie Grandet
(g) Flaubert : Madame Bovary
(h) Baudelaire : L’ Invitation au Voyage, Recueillement. L’ Albatros.
(i) Rimbaud : Le Dormeur du Val
(j) Verlaine : Chanson d’ Automne Mon Reve Familier , II Pleure Dans mon Coeur…
4. X Xth Century
(a) Appolinaire : Nuit Rhenane, Le Pont Mirabeau
(b) Jacques Prevert : Pour Faire Le portrait d’Un Oiseau, Barbara.
(c) Paul Eltard : Libertd
(d) Paul Valery : Les Pas, La Fileuse
(e) Andre Gide : La Symphonie pastorale
(f) Camus : L’ Etranger
(g) Sartre : Les Mains Sales
(h) Lonesco : Rhinoceros
(a) Gerard Besette : Le Libraire
(b) Ananda Devi : Le Voile de Draupadi
(c) Cheikh Hamidou Kane: L’ Aventure Ambigiue
(d) Abdellatif Laabi : Poemesen Prose
1.L’ Arbre a poemes (L’Etreinte du Monde)
2.Les Reves viennent mourir sur la page (L’Etreinte du Monde)
5.Essay of general nature on a contemporary theme.
0 commentsThe syllabus consists of two papers , designed to test a first- hand and critical reading of texts prescribed from the following periods in English Leterature – Paper I- 1600-1900 and Paper II- 1900-1990.
There ‘ will be two compulsory questions in each paper- (a) A short- notes question related to the topics for general study , and (b) And critical analysis of UNSEEN passages both in prose and verse.
Answers must be written in English
Texts for detailed study are listed below, Candidates will also be required to show adequate knowledge of the following topics and movements-
The Renaissance – Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama; Metaphysical Poetry; The Epic and the Mock- epic; Neo- classicism; Satire; The Romantic Movement; The Rise of the Novel; The Victorian Age.
William Shakespeare- King Lear and The Tempest.
John Donne. The following Poems-
Death be not proud;
The Good Morrow;
On his Mistress going to bed;
The Relic;
John Milton – Paradise Lort I,II, IV, IX
Alexander Pope. The Rape of the Lock.
William Wordsworth. The following poems;
-Ode on Intimations of Immortality.
-Tintern Abbey.
-Three years she grew.
-She dwdlt among untrodden ways.
There ‘ will be two compulsory questions in each paper- (a) A short- notes question related to the topics for general study , and (b) And critical analysis of UNSEEN passages both in prose and verse.
Answers must be written in English
Texts for detailed study are listed below, Candidates will also be required to show adequate knowledge of the following topics and movements-
The Renaissance – Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama; Metaphysical Poetry; The Epic and the Mock- epic; Neo- classicism; Satire; The Romantic Movement; The Rise of the Novel; The Victorian Age.
William Shakespeare- King Lear and The Tempest.
John Donne. The following Poems-
Death be not proud;
The Good Morrow;
On his Mistress going to bed;
The Relic;
John Milton – Paradise Lort I,II, IV, IX
Alexander Pope. The Rape of the Lock.
William Wordsworth. The following poems;
-Ode on Intimations of Immortality.
-Tintern Abbey.
-Three years she grew.
-She dwdlt among untrodden ways.
-Michael .
-Resolution and Independence.
-The world is too much with us.
-Milton , thou shouldst be living at this hour.
-Upon Westminster Bridge.
6.Alfred Tennyson – In Memoriam.
7.Henrik Ibsen- A Doll’s House.
1.Jonathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travels.
2.Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice.
3.Henry Fielding. Tom Jones.
4.Charles Dickens. Hard Times.
5.George Eliot. The Mill on the Floss.
6.Thomas Hardy. Tess of the d’Urbervilles.
7.Mark Twain .The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Answers must be written in English
Texts for detailed study are listed below .Candidates will also be required to show adequate knowledge of the following topics and movements-
Modernism; Poets of the Thirties; The stream – of –consciousness Novel; Absurd Drama; Colonialism and Post- Colonialism; Indian Writing in English; Marxist ,Psychoanalytical and Feminist approaches to literature; Post- Modernism.
William Butler Yeats. The following poems;
- Easter 1916
- The Second Coming
- A Prayer for my daughter.
- Sailing to Byzantium.
- The Tover.Among Sbhool Chhldrdn.
- Leda and the Swan.
- Mdru
- Lapir Lazuli
- The Second Coming
- Byzantium.
2. T.S. Eliot .The following poems-
- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
- Journey of the Magi.
- Burnt Norton.
3.W. H. Auden. The following poems-
- Partition
- Musee des Beaux Arts
- In Memory of W. B Yeats
- Lay your sleeping head , my love
- The Unknown Citizen
- Consider
- Mundus Et Infans
- The Shield of Achilles
- September 1, 1939
- Petition.
4.John Osborne; Look Back in Anger
5.Samuel Backett. Waiting for Godot.
6.Philip Larkin. The following poems :Next , Please, Deceptions, Afternoons, Days, Mr. Bleandy
7.A. K. Ramanujan . The following poems.
Looking for a Causim on a Swing , A River , Of Mothers, among other Things, Love Poem for a Wife 1, Small – Scale Reflections on a Great House, Obituary .
(All these poems are available in the anthology Ten Twentieth Century Indian Poets, edited by R. Parthasarthy , published by Oxford University Press, New Delhi).
1.Joseph Conrad. Lord Jim.
2.James Joyce. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
3.D.H. Lawrdnce. Sons and Lnverr.
4.E. M. Forrter. A Passage to India.
5.Virginia Woolf. Mrs Dalloway.
6.Raja Rao. Kanthapura.
7.V.S. Naipal . A House for Mr. Biswas.
-Resolution and Independence.
-The world is too much with us.
-Milton , thou shouldst be living at this hour.
-Upon Westminster Bridge.
6.Alfred Tennyson – In Memoriam.
7.Henrik Ibsen- A Doll’s House.
1.Jonathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travels.
2.Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice.
3.Henry Fielding. Tom Jones.
4.Charles Dickens. Hard Times.
5.George Eliot. The Mill on the Floss.
6.Thomas Hardy. Tess of the d’Urbervilles.
7.Mark Twain .The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Answers must be written in English
Texts for detailed study are listed below .Candidates will also be required to show adequate knowledge of the following topics and movements-
Modernism; Poets of the Thirties; The stream – of –consciousness Novel; Absurd Drama; Colonialism and Post- Colonialism; Indian Writing in English; Marxist ,Psychoanalytical and Feminist approaches to literature; Post- Modernism.
William Butler Yeats. The following poems;
- Easter 1916
- The Second Coming
- A Prayer for my daughter.
- Sailing to Byzantium.
- The Tover.Among Sbhool Chhldrdn.
- Leda and the Swan.
- Mdru
- Lapir Lazuli
- The Second Coming
- Byzantium.
2. T.S. Eliot .The following poems-
- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
- Journey of the Magi.
- Burnt Norton.
3.W. H. Auden. The following poems-
- Partition
- Musee des Beaux Arts
- In Memory of W. B Yeats
- Lay your sleeping head , my love
- The Unknown Citizen
- Consider
- Mundus Et Infans
- The Shield of Achilles
- September 1, 1939
- Petition.
4.John Osborne; Look Back in Anger
5.Samuel Backett. Waiting for Godot.
6.Philip Larkin. The following poems :Next , Please, Deceptions, Afternoons, Days, Mr. Bleandy
7.A. K. Ramanujan . The following poems.
Looking for a Causim on a Swing , A River , Of Mothers, among other Things, Love Poem for a Wife 1, Small – Scale Reflections on a Great House, Obituary .
(All these poems are available in the anthology Ten Twentieth Century Indian Poets, edited by R. Parthasarthy , published by Oxford University Press, New Delhi).
1.Joseph Conrad. Lord Jim.
2.James Joyce. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
3.D.H. Lawrdnce. Sons and Lnverr.
4.E. M. Forrter. A Passage to India.
5.Virginia Woolf. Mrs Dalloway.
6.Raja Rao. Kanthapura.
7.V.S. Naipal . A House for Mr. Biswas.
This paper will require the candidates of have a good knowledge of standard chinese language and its characteristics so as to test the candidate’s organizational capabilities. All the questions except the question on translation from Chinese to English must be answered in Chinese. All the questions carry equal marks.
1. Essay writing in about 500 Chinese characters on a topical subject.
2. Translation – (a) Chinese- English. (b) English – Chinese
3. Syntactic and grammatical usage.
1. Explanation of idioms and phrases in Chinese.
2. Development of Chinese language
3. Comprehension Precis writing.
This paper will require the candidates to have a good grasp of Chinese studies and will be designed to test the candidate’s critical ability . All the questions must be answered in Chinese. All the question carry equal marks.
Short notes on topics relate to major events in modern Chinese history (from 1919 till date).
Critical evaluation of major literary works in pre – liberation period (1919-1949)-
(a) Lao She=======Four Generations , Rickshaw-puller.
(b) Ba Jin========Family.
(c) Lu Xul========Medicine , Madman’s Diary. The True Story of Ah Q.
(d) Mao Dun======Midnight
(e) Ai Quing ======Coal’s Reply (Mei de Duihua), Begger (Qigai),I Love This Land (Wo Ai Zhe Tudi), Old Man (Laoren)
(f) Guo Moruo=====The Goddesses.
3. Role of Philosophy and Religion in the Development of Chinese Society.
Socio- Economic/ Political / Educational / Sports /Science and Technological Development since 1979.
Critical appreciation of major literary works in post – liberation period (1949 till date)-
(a) Gu Hua======= The Town Called Hibiscus (Furonzhen)
(b) Chen Rong===== Till the Middle Age (Ren dao Zhongnian)
(c) Liu Xinwu===== The Class- in – Charge (Ban Zhuren)
(d) Lu Yao======== The Human Existence (Rensheng)
(e) Ai Qing======== Fish Fossil, The Mirror, The Gardener's Dream, The Hunter Who Drew Birds
(f) Shu Ting======= Motherland , My Beloved Motherland.
This paper will require the candidates of have a good knowledge of standard chinese language and its characteristics so as to test the candidate’s organizational capabilities. All the questions except the question on translation from Chinese to English must be answered in Chinese. All the questions carry equal marks.
1. Essay writing in about 500 Chinese characters on a topical subject.
2. Translation – (a) Chinese- English. (b) English – Chinese
3. Syntactic and grammatical usage.
1. Explanation of idioms and phrases in Chinese.
2. Development of Chinese language
3. Comprehension Precis writing.
This paper will require the candidates to have a good grasp of Chinese studies and will be designed to test the candidate’s critical ability . All the questions must be answered in Chinese. All the question carry equal marks.
Short notes on topics relate to major events in modern Chinese history (from 1919 till date).
Critical evaluation of major literary works in pre – liberation period (1919-1949)-
(a) Lao She=======Four Generations , Rickshaw-puller.
(b) Ba Jin========Family.
(c) Lu Xul========Medicine , Madman’s Diary. The True Story of Ah Q.
(d) Mao Dun======Midnight
(e) Ai Quing ======Coal’s Reply (Mei de Duihua), Begger (Qigai),I Love This Land (Wo Ai Zhe Tudi), Old Man (Laoren)
(f) Guo Moruo=====The Goddesses.
3. Role of Philosophy and Religion in the Development of Chinese Society.
Socio- Economic/ Political / Educational / Sports /Science and Technological Development since 1979.
Critical appreciation of major literary works in post – liberation period (1949 till date)-
(a) Gu Hua======= The Town Called Hibiscus (Furonzhen)
(b) Chen Rong===== Till the Middle Age (Ren dao Zhongnian)
(c) Liu Xinwu===== The Class- in – Charge (Ban Zhuren)
(d) Lu Yao======== The Human Existence (Rensheng)
(e) Ai Qing======== Fish Fossil, The Mirror, The Gardener's Dream, The Hunter Who Drew Birds
(f) Shu Ting======= Motherland , My Beloved Motherland.
0 commentsPAPER-I
History of Language and Literature . Answers must be written in Bengali.
Topics from the History of Bangla language-
The chronological track from Proto Indo- European to Bangla (Family tree with branches and approximate dates).
Historical stages of Bangla (Old, Middle, New) and their linguistic features.
Dialects of Bangla and their distinguishing characteristics.
Elements of Bangla Vocabulary.
Forms of Bangla Literary Prose- Sadhu and Chalit.
Processes of language change relevant for Bangla.
Apinihiti (Anaptyxis), Abhishruti (umlaut), Murdhanyibhavan (cerebralization), Nasikyibhavan (Nasalization), Samibhavan (Assimilation), Sadrishya (Analogy), Svaragama (Vowel insertion )- Adi Svarggama, Madhya Svaragama or Svarabhakti, Antya Svaragama, Svarasangati (Vowel hormny), y- Shruti and w- shruti.
Problems of standardization and reform of alphabet and spelling , and those of transliteration and Romanization.
Phonology, Morphology and Syntax nf Mndern Bangla.
(Snundr nf Mnddrn Bangla, Bonjtnbts; word formathons , compounds; basic sentence patterns.)
Topics from the History of Bangla Literature-
1. Periodization of Bangla Literature- Old Bangla and Middle Bangla.
2. Points of difference between modern and pre-modern Bangla Literature.
3. Roots and reasons behind the emergence of modernity in Bangla Literature.
4. Evolution of various Middle Bangla forms- Mangal kavyas, Vaishnava lyrics , Adapted narratives (Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavata) and religious biographies.)
5. Secular forms in middle Bangla literature.
6. Narrative and lyric trends in the nineteenth century Bengla poetry.
7. Development of prose.
8. Bangla dramatic literature (nineteenth century, Tagore, Post – 1944 Bangla drama).
9. Tagore and post – Tagoreans.
10. Fiction , major authors- (Bankimchandra, Tagore . Saratchandra, Bibhutibusan , Tarasankar , Manik).
11. Women and Bangla literature- creators and created.
Prescribed texts for close study. Answers must be written in Bengali.
12. Vaishnava Padavali (Calcutta University)
Poems of Vidyapati, Chandidas , Jnanadas Govindadas and Balaramdas.
13. Chandimangal Kalketu episode by Mukunda (Sahitya Akademi).
14. Chaitanya Charitamrita Madya Lila, by Krishnadas Kaviraj (Sahitya Akademi).
15. Meghnadbadh Kavya by Madhusudan Dutta.
16. Kapalkundala by Bankimchandra Chattarjee.
17. Samya and Bangadesher Krishak by Bankimchandra Chatterjee.
18. Sonar fari by Rabindranath Tagore.
19. Chhinnapatravali by Rabindranath Tagore.
1. Raktakarabi by Rabindranath Tagore.
2. Nabajatak by Rabindarnath Tagore.
3. Grihadaha by Saratchandra Chatterjee.
4. Prabandha Samgraha Vol.1, by Pramatha Choudhuri.
5. Aranyak by Bidhutibhushan Banerjee
6. Short stories by Manik Bandyopadhyay- Atashi Mami, Pragaitihasik, Holud- Pora, Sarisrip, Haraner Natjamai , Chhoto- Bokulpurer Jatri, Kustharogir Bou, Jakey Ghush Ditey Hoy.
7. Shrestha Kavita by Jibanananda Das.
8. Jagori by Satinath Bhaduri.
9. Ebam Indrajit by Badal Sircar.
History of Language and Literature . Answers must be written in Bengali.
Topics from the History of Bangla language-
The chronological track from Proto Indo- European to Bangla (Family tree with branches and approximate dates).
Historical stages of Bangla (Old, Middle, New) and their linguistic features.
Dialects of Bangla and their distinguishing characteristics.
Elements of Bangla Vocabulary.
Forms of Bangla Literary Prose- Sadhu and Chalit.
Processes of language change relevant for Bangla.
Apinihiti (Anaptyxis), Abhishruti (umlaut), Murdhanyibhavan (cerebralization), Nasikyibhavan (Nasalization), Samibhavan (Assimilation), Sadrishya (Analogy), Svaragama (Vowel insertion )- Adi Svarggama, Madhya Svaragama or Svarabhakti, Antya Svaragama, Svarasangati (Vowel hormny), y- Shruti and w- shruti.
Problems of standardization and reform of alphabet and spelling , and those of transliteration and Romanization.
Phonology, Morphology and Syntax nf Mndern Bangla.
(Snundr nf Mnddrn Bangla, Bonjtnbts; word formathons , compounds; basic sentence patterns.)
Topics from the History of Bangla Literature-
1. Periodization of Bangla Literature- Old Bangla and Middle Bangla.
2. Points of difference between modern and pre-modern Bangla Literature.
3. Roots and reasons behind the emergence of modernity in Bangla Literature.
4. Evolution of various Middle Bangla forms- Mangal kavyas, Vaishnava lyrics , Adapted narratives (Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavata) and religious biographies.)
5. Secular forms in middle Bangla literature.
6. Narrative and lyric trends in the nineteenth century Bengla poetry.
7. Development of prose.
8. Bangla dramatic literature (nineteenth century, Tagore, Post – 1944 Bangla drama).
9. Tagore and post – Tagoreans.
10. Fiction , major authors- (Bankimchandra, Tagore . Saratchandra, Bibhutibusan , Tarasankar , Manik).
11. Women and Bangla literature- creators and created.
Prescribed texts for close study. Answers must be written in Bengali.
12. Vaishnava Padavali (Calcutta University)
Poems of Vidyapati, Chandidas , Jnanadas Govindadas and Balaramdas.
13. Chandimangal Kalketu episode by Mukunda (Sahitya Akademi).
14. Chaitanya Charitamrita Madya Lila, by Krishnadas Kaviraj (Sahitya Akademi).
15. Meghnadbadh Kavya by Madhusudan Dutta.
16. Kapalkundala by Bankimchandra Chattarjee.
17. Samya and Bangadesher Krishak by Bankimchandra Chatterjee.
18. Sonar fari by Rabindranath Tagore.
19. Chhinnapatravali by Rabindranath Tagore.
1. Raktakarabi by Rabindranath Tagore.
2. Nabajatak by Rabindarnath Tagore.
3. Grihadaha by Saratchandra Chatterjee.
4. Prabandha Samgraha Vol.1, by Pramatha Choudhuri.
5. Aranyak by Bidhutibhushan Banerjee
6. Short stories by Manik Bandyopadhyay- Atashi Mami, Pragaitihasik, Holud- Pora, Sarisrip, Haraner Natjamai , Chhoto- Bokulpurer Jatri, Kustharogir Bou, Jakey Ghush Ditey Hoy.
7. Shrestha Kavita by Jibanananda Das.
8. Jagori by Satinath Bhaduri.
9. Ebam Indrajit by Badal Sircar.
0 commentsPAPER-I
Answers must be written in Assamese
(a) History of the origin and development of the Assamese languages-periods in its position among the Indo- Aryan Languages- periods in its history.
(b) Developments of Assamese prose.
(c) Vowels and consonants of the Assamese languages- rules of phonetic changes with stress on Assamese coming down from Old Indo- Aryan.
(d) Assamese vocabulary- and its sources.
(e) Morphology of the language – conjugation- enclitic definitives and pleonastic suffixes.
(f) Dilectical divergences- the standard colloquial and the Kamrupi dialect in particulars.
(g) Assamese scripts –its evolution through the ages till 19th century A.D.
Literary Criticism and Literary History
(a) Principles of Literary criticism upto New criticism.
(b) Different literary genres.
(c) Development of literary forms in Assamese.
(d) Development of literary criticism in Assames.
(e) Periods of the literary history of Assam from the earliest beginnings, i.e from the period of the charyyageets with their socio-cultural back- ground-the proto Assamese- Pre- Sandaradeva- Sankaradeva- post Sankaradeve – Moddrn perind (from the coming of the Britishers), Post – Independence period .Special emphasis is to be given on the Vaisnavite period , the gonaki and the post – Independence period.
This paper will require first-hand reading of the text prescribed and will be designed to test the candidates’ critical ability. Answers must be written in Assamese.
Ramayana (Ayodhya Kanda only)-by Madhava Kandali
Parijat – Harana-by Sankaradeva.
Rasakrida-by Sankaradeva (From Kirtana Ghosa).
Bargeet –by Madhavadeva.
Rajasuya-by Madhavadeva.
Katha –Bhagavata (Book I and II)- by Baikunthanath Bhattacharyya.
Gurucarit- Katha (Sankaradeva’s Part only)-ed , by Maheswar Neog.
Mor Jeevan Sonwaran – by Lakshminath Bezbaroa.
Kripabar Barbaruar Kakatar Topola- by Lakshminath Bezbaroa.
Pratima –by Chandra Kumar Agarwalla.
Gaonburha-by Rajanikanta Bordoloi.
Purani Asamiya Sahitya –by Banikanta Kakati.
Karengar Ligri-by Jyotiprasad Agarwalla
Jeevanar Batat- by Bina Barwa (Birinchi Kumar Barya)
Mrityunjoy- by Birendrakuar Bhattacharyxa
Samrat-by Navakanta Barua.
Answers must be written in Assamese
(a) History of the origin and development of the Assamese languages-periods in its position among the Indo- Aryan Languages- periods in its history.
(b) Developments of Assamese prose.
(c) Vowels and consonants of the Assamese languages- rules of phonetic changes with stress on Assamese coming down from Old Indo- Aryan.
(d) Assamese vocabulary- and its sources.
(e) Morphology of the language – conjugation- enclitic definitives and pleonastic suffixes.
(f) Dilectical divergences- the standard colloquial and the Kamrupi dialect in particulars.
(g) Assamese scripts –its evolution through the ages till 19th century A.D.
Literary Criticism and Literary History
(a) Principles of Literary criticism upto New criticism.
(b) Different literary genres.
(c) Development of literary forms in Assamese.
(d) Development of literary criticism in Assames.
(e) Periods of the literary history of Assam from the earliest beginnings, i.e from the period of the charyyageets with their socio-cultural back- ground-the proto Assamese- Pre- Sandaradeva- Sankaradeva- post Sankaradeve – Moddrn perind (from the coming of the Britishers), Post – Independence period .Special emphasis is to be given on the Vaisnavite period , the gonaki and the post – Independence period.
This paper will require first-hand reading of the text prescribed and will be designed to test the candidates’ critical ability. Answers must be written in Assamese.
Ramayana (Ayodhya Kanda only)-by Madhava Kandali
Parijat – Harana-by Sankaradeva.
Rasakrida-by Sankaradeva (From Kirtana Ghosa).
Bargeet –by Madhavadeva.
Rajasuya-by Madhavadeva.
Katha –Bhagavata (Book I and II)- by Baikunthanath Bhattacharyya.
Gurucarit- Katha (Sankaradeva’s Part only)-ed , by Maheswar Neog.
Mor Jeevan Sonwaran – by Lakshminath Bezbaroa.
Kripabar Barbaruar Kakatar Topola- by Lakshminath Bezbaroa.
Pratima –by Chandra Kumar Agarwalla.
Gaonburha-by Rajanikanta Bordoloi.
Purani Asamiya Sahitya –by Banikanta Kakati.
Karengar Ligri-by Jyotiprasad Agarwalla
Jeevanar Batat- by Bina Barwa (Birinchi Kumar Barya)
Mrityunjoy- by Birendrakuar Bhattacharyxa
Samrat-by Navakanta Barua.
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