Q.1. Heavy industries and labour intensive small indusries cannot exist together.Do you agree?comment as to how these two have co-existed in our country ?
Q.2. Poverty is a curse no doubt, but poverty is also not a cure for all the ills to ensure social welfare of the people.Comments.
Q.3. 'India's strength lies in its people.'Do you agree with this statement ?
India has -10 Bio-Geographic Zones; 14 Biosphere Reserves; 15 Agro-Climatic Zones; 20 Agro-Ecological Zones(AEZ)and 60 AESZ(AE Sub-Zones), where various types of vegetation/Forest;Crops Medicinal/Tea/Bamboo cultivation,Animals etc.Can easily be seen and so also ,India has 2 Bio-diversity Region,out of world 14 Bio-diversity Regions,situated at East-West Coasts and Ne regions, Which is a proud to us. The peopleresiding in these belts, in fact,this is our strength.
Q.4. What is microfinancing and how its progressing in our country ? Discuss.
The credit amount may vary from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 25,000 of which return/back guarantee is 100% and the total payment is done with in 1 to 3 years. In this system, the credit is available as per people needs like KCC (Kisan Credit Card).
The best example of micro financing given to SHG’s (Self-Help Groups), having 10-12 participants and all get benefits of it, especially to establish small agro-based industries.
In fact, the poverty in our country is more, having a wide gap between capitalists and poor men. Therefore, micro-financing is in progress, with the men objective for providing this micro-finance to ‘poor to poor’, which is the need of the time and future also.
Q. 5 Discuss about the gender inequality in our country and its impact on our socio-economical development.
Ans. One of the important indices of population concentration is the density of population i.e. number of persons/km2, which was 324 per km2 in census 2001; being maximum 903 per km2-West Bengal, 881, per km2-Bihar (Second) and 819 per km2-Kerala (Third place).
Sex ratio i.e. number of females per 1000 males is an important social indicator to measure the extent of prevailing equality between males and females; which had always remained unfavourable to females in our country. As per the Census w.e.f. year 1901-2001, there appeared a decline in sex ratio, that can be observed from these Censuses-
Sex Ratio (1901-2001)
Census Year=============Sex Ratio (Females per 1,000 males)
Women play a significant role in agriculture in the country, which has a direct relationship with our socioeconomic development. Since, women have a vital role in agriculture-especially in the field of Horticulture- Floriculture (flower cultivation), Pomology (fruit cultivation) and Olericulture (vegetable production), paddy transplanting, weeding/interculture in crops, harvesting, and Animal Husbandry and Dairy Sector, especially the SC/ST and Non SC women etc. NRC-WA (National Research Centre for Women in Agriculture-ICAR) Bhubaneshwar (Orissa) is doing an excellent work for empowerment of women in agricultural research and technology transfer and found that 43.7% of women’s time goes to agriculture. If the sex ratio goes down. It will surely adversely affect the socio-economic development of the society.