(Held on 2-3-2008)Descriptive Language
Q.1. Heavy industries and labour intensive small indusries cannot exist together.Do you agree?comment as to how these two have co-existed in our country ?
Q.2. Poverty is a curse no doubt, but poverty is also not a cure for all the ills to ensure social welfare of the people.Comments.
Q.3. 'India's strength lies in its people.'Do you agree with this statement ?
Answer. Undoubtedly, India's strength lies in its people, through which,economic and social development ispossible.Therefore, the 'Labour policy'in india has evolved in response to specifice needs of the situationto suit requirments of planed economic development and social justice, so as to maintain industrial peaceand promoting the welfare of labour accordingly ,several acts have been framed like : the minimum Wages Act,1948;payment of wages Act,1936, Payment of bonus Act 1965;Industrial Disputes Act,1947, Maternity Benefit Act,1961,Employees state insurance Act 1948,Payment of gratuity Act 1972, etc. Through these framed acts, the people working in various sectors viz.Industries ,Education,Agro-Industries, Post Office/Railway Management etc.Get justice and remain happy.In fact,it is our strength.
India has -10 Bio-Geographic Zones; 14 Biosphere Reserves; 15 Agro-Climatic Zones; 20 Agro-Ecological Zones(AEZ)and 60 AESZ(AE Sub-Zones), where various types of vegetation/Forest;Crops Medicinal/Tea/Bamboo cultivation,Animals etc.Can easily be seen and so also ,India has 2 Bio-diversity Region,out of world 14 Bio-diversity Regions,situated at East-West Coasts and Ne regions, Which is a proud to us. The peopleresiding in these belts, in fact,this is our strength.
Q.4. What is microfinancing and how its progressing in our country ? Discuss.
Answer. Micro-financing means small amount of monetry finance, normally given for small sector sector of development i.e. small loans provided to 'poor to poor' for small sector improvement;which is given for many purposes; for example--small savings,loan credit,social safety like insurance etc.

The credit amount may vary from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 25,000 of which return/back guarantee is 100% and the total payment is done with in 1 to 3 years. In this system, the credit is available as per people needs like KCC (Kisan Credit Card).
The best example of micro financing given to SHG’s (Self-Help Groups), having 10-12 participants and all get benefits of it, especially to establish small agro-based industries.
In fact, the poverty in our country is more, having a wide gap between capitalists and poor men. Therefore, micro-financing is in progress, with the men objective for providing this micro-finance to ‘poor to poor’, which is the need of the time and future also.
Q. 5 Discuss about the gender inequality in our country and its impact on our socio-economical development.
Ans. One of the important indices of population concentration is the density of population i.e. number of persons/km2, which was 324 per km2 in census 2001; being maximum 903 per km2-West Bengal, 881, per km2-Bihar (Second) and 819 per km2-Kerala (Third place).
Sex ratio i.e. number of females per 1000 males is an important social indicator to measure the extent of prevailing equality between males and females; which had always remained unfavourable to females in our country. As per the Census w.e.f. year 1901-2001, there appeared a decline in sex ratio, that can be observed from these Censuses-
Sex Ratio (1901-2001)

Census Year=============Sex Ratio (Females per 1,000 males)












Women play a significant role in agriculture in the country, which has a direct relationship with our socioeconomic development. Since, women have a vital role in agriculture-especially in the field of Horticulture- Floriculture (flower cultivation), Pomology (fruit cultivation) and Olericulture (vegetable production), paddy transplanting, weeding/interculture in crops, harvesting, and Animal Husbandry and Dairy Sector, especially the SC/ST and Non SC women etc. NRC-WA (National Research Centre for Women in Agriculture-ICAR) Bhubaneshwar (Orissa) is doing an excellent work for empowerment of women in agricultural research and technology transfer and found that 43.7% of women’s time goes to agriculture. If the sex ratio goes down. It will surely adversely affect the socio-economic development of the society.