Oct 7, 1957: A fire in the Wind Scale plutonium production reactor N of Liverpool, EnglandRealesed radioactive material;later blamed for 39 cancer deaths.
Jan 3, 1961 : Areactor at a federal instalation near Idaho Falls, Idaho,U.S.A.,Killed 3workers.Radiation Contained.
Oct 5, 1966: A sodium cooling system malfunction caused a partial core meltdown at the Enrico Fermi Demonstration breeder reactor, near detroit, Michigan,U.S.A. RaditionContained.
Jan 21, 1969: A coolant malfunction from an experimental underground reactor at Lucens Vad,Switzerland, released radiation in to a cavern, which was then sealed.
Mar 22, 1975 : Fire at the Brown's Ferry reacter in Decatur,Alhama,U.S.A.,Caused dangerously lowering of cooling water levels.
Mar 28, 1979: The worst commercial nuclear accident in the U.S. occurred as equipmentfailures and human mistakes led to a loss of coolant and a partial coremeltdown at the three MIle Island reactor in Middletown,Pennsylvania.
Feb 11, 1981: 8 worker were contaminated when 100,000 gallons of radioactive coolant fluidleaked into containment building of TVA's Sequoyah 1 plant in Tennesse,U.S.A.
Apr 25,1981: Some 100 workers were exposed to radiation during repaires of a nuclear plantat Tsuruga, Japan.
Jan 6,1986: A cylender of nuclear material burst after being improperlyheated at a Kerr-McGee Plant at Gore, Oklahoma,U.S.A. One worker died;100 were hospitalized.
Apr 26,1986 : In the worst nuclear accidents in the history of nuclear power, fires and explosions resulting from an unauthorized experiment at the Chernobylnuclear power plant near Kiev, USSR ( now in Ukraine),Left at least31 dead in the immediate aftermath and spread radioactive material over much of europe.An estimated 1,35,000 people were evacuated from the region.
Sept 30,1999: Japan's worst nuclear accidents ever occurred at a uranium-reprocessingfacility in Tokaimura, NE of Tokyo, when workers accidentlly overloaded a container withuranium,thereby exposing workers and area residents to exteremly high radiation levels.