( section :A ) (2x10=20)
Q.1. Whodefined education as tri-polar process ?
(A) Tagore (B) John Dewey (C) Adams (D) Duckhiem
Q.2. Who told "Non-formal education is anti formal education" ?
(A) Paul Goodman (B) Shri Aurobindo (C) Illich (D) Karl Marx
Q.3. The Vedas are divided into :
(A) Eight parts (B) Four parts (C) Six parts (D) Two parts
Q.4. Who wrote the 'Brahma Sutra' ?
(A) Ramanuja (B) Madhav (C) Badarayana (D) Jayanta
Q.5. Ultimate form of Naturalism in education was propounded by :
(A) Comenius (B) T.H. Huxley (C) Rousseau (D) Bacon
Q.6. Who is associated with 'Novum organum ' ?
(A) Karl Marx (B) Aristotle (C) Bacon (D) Rousseau
Q.7. Who is the writer of 'Indian Society' ?
(A) R.S Sharma (B) S.C Dubey (C) R.N Tagore (D) Shrinivas
Q.8. The theory of 'Cultural Lag' is given by :
(A) Durkheim (B) Ogburn (C) Pareto (D) Spencer
Q.9. Who defined:"By Social Mobility is meant any transition of an individual from one position to another in a constellation of social group and starra"?
(A) Spencer (B) P. Sorokin (C) Mciver (D) Ottaway
Q.10. 'Document on social , Moral and Spiritual Valuas in Education' is published by :
SECTION: B (4X5=20)
Q.1. Explain the concept of Education as investment.
Q.2. Identify the place of education in society.
Q.3. Explain the importance of Bhagwadgita for value education.
Q.4. What do you mean by 'eight fold yoga' ?
Q.5. Explain the Idealistic aims of education.
Q.6. Narrate various types of Realism.
Q.7. 'Indian Society is multicultural' Discuss.
Q.8. 'School reflects society.'Discuss.
Q.9. Narrate educational values.
Q.10. Explain important features of 'Basic Education' propounded by Gandhi.
Section: C (3x20=60 )
Q.1. Establish the relationship between 'education and philosophy' .
Q.2. Explain the main features of Nyaya Darshan and discuss its importance for educational philosophy.
Q.3. Describe five processes of social change in india and their respective impact on education.
Q.4. What is the philosophy of realism ? Describe its aims and methods of education.
Q.5. Discuss the contribution of sri Aurobindo to educational philosophy.
Paper II: Indian Education and its Problems
Section :A
Q.1. 'Para' vidya is associated with :
(A) Vedic Knowledge
(B) Spiritual Knowledge
(C) Social Knowledge
(D) Scientific Knowledge
Q.2. Buddhist literature is preserved in :
(A) Agamas (B) Tripitakas (C) Sutras (D) Mantras
Q.3. Whose name is associated with the propagation of primary Educationin pre-indipendent India ?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) B.G. Tilak (C) Gopal Krishna Ghokale (D) Sadler
Q.4. Calcutta ,Bombay and Madras Universities were established by :
(A) Indian Education Commision
(B) Wood's despatch
(C) Indian University Act 1904
(D) Sadler Commision
Q.5. Which programme is assisted by world bank ?
Q.6. The Keystone to the system of technical and Vocational education in India is :
Q.7. 'National Adult Education Programme' was formaly started in the year :
(A) 1974 (B) 1978 (C) 1986 (D) 1990
Q.8. The number of Teacher's Training College in 1947 was :
(A) 20 (B) 15 (C) 25 (D) 28
Q.9. NCTE was operational in the year :
(A) 1997 (B) 1995 (C) 1993 (D) 1994
Q.10.Two language formula is associated with :
(A) NEP 1986
(B) Kothari Commission
(C) Mudaliar Commission
(D) University Education Commission
Section B
Q.1. Describe the aims of Vedic Education.
Q.2. Explain the features of Charter Act 1813.
Q.3. Point out the problem of stagination at primary level of Education.
Q.4. Narrate the four aims of University Education according to Radha Krishna Commission.
Q.5. Explain the concept of Continuing Education.
Q.6. Narrate the role of IGNOU for distance education.
Q.7. Describe the main recommendations for teachers training as per Sargent Plan.
Q.8. Point out the defects of pre-service Teacher Education.
Q.9. Write short note on steps for equalization of educational opportunity in NEP (1986).
Q.10. Enumerate the factors leading to Environment.
Section :C
Q.1. Discuss constitutional provisions related to democratization of Education in india.
Q.2. Describe the main problems of indian Universities due to external factors.
Q.3. Discuss various methods of teaching for adult learners.
Q.4. Discuss the recommendations of Kothari commision for quality improvementin teacher education.
Q.5. Narrate the goals, objectives and scope of environmental education in brief.
Paper III : Educational Psychology and Measutement
Section : A
Q.1. The Trial and error method in learning was first experimented by :
(A) Pavlov (B) Skinner (C) WoodWorth (D) Thorndike
Q.2. Uni-facter theory was propounded by :
(A) Gilford (B) Piaget (C) Binet (D) Thorndike
Q.3. Characteristic features of a good test is :
(A) Reliability (B) Validity (C) Objectivity (D) All the above
Q.4. What should be Known For frequency distribution ?
(A) Range of Scores (B) Class interval (C) Frequencies (D) All of these.
Q.5. What Quality of man is measured by TAT ?
(A) Intelligence (B) Personality (C) Learning (D) Motivation
Q.6. Paviov did the classical conditioning test on which of the following ?
(A) Dog (B) Cat (C) Rat (D) Chimpanzee
Q.7. The most sensitive statistics is :
(A) Mean (B) Median (C) Mode (D) None of these
Q.8. Which physical factor of the body least affect learning ?
(A) Fatigue (B) Maturation (C) Disease (D) Gender
Q.9. The maximum value of co-efficient of correlation may be :
(A) +1 (B) 0 (C) -1 (D) .2
Q.10. Main points of Evaluation are :
(A) Educational objective (B) Learning activities (C) Change in behaviour (D) All the above .
Q.1. How Educational Psychology helps a teacher ? Illustrate
.Q.2. Describe the factors influencing learning.
Q.3. Describe Thorndike's primary and subordinate law of learning.
Q.4. describe the social and emotional development in Adolescence preiod.
Q.5. How can a gifted child be properly educated ?
Q.6. What is transfer of learning ?
Q.7. Differentiate between positive and negative reinforcment.
Q.8. Describe the characteristics of creative children.
Q.9. Calculate Standard Deviation from the following:
Q.10. Calculate the mediation from following data :
section : C
Q.1. Explain the basic Concept, assumptions and laws of pavlov's theory of conditioning.
Q.2. Describe the method of constructing objective type test.
Q.3. How many dimensions have been underlined behaviour change in education ? Explain.
Q.4. Calculate Co-efficient of correlation by rank Difference method from following scores:
Group A : 40,36,37,30,25,36,31,32.
Group B : 35,30,32,31,28,26,22,25.
Q.5. Clarity the importance of section research in reference to Indian Schools.
Paper IV : School Administration :
Section : A
Q.1. 'The Art of Administration' book written by :(A) Ordway (B) T. Paul Verghese (C) Simon (D) Camoron
Q.2. Principle of Educational Administration are :
(A) Principal of Co-operation(B) Principle of Planning(C) Principle of Leadership (D) All above mention
Q.3. 'POSDCORB' word was created by :
(A) Rusk (B) Luther Gullick (C) K. G. Saiydain (D) H.G. Wells
Q.4. While framing Time Table be cautious about :
(A) Suitability of Time(B) THe rules prescribed by Education Department(C) Fatigue of students (D) None of the above
Q.5. Supporter of the idea of Activity Centred Syllabus :
(A) Rousseau (B) Dewey (C) Ross (D) None of these.
Q.6. Establishment of junior Red Cross in india :
(A) 1950 (B) 1963 (C) 1970 (D) 1972.
Q.7. " The role of furniture is very important in physical, moral and mental development of the students."
(A) P.C. Wren (B) Amos Comenius (C) Crow & Crow (D) Crudge.
Q.8. The system of inspection of the schools began in india :
(A) 1852 (B) 1854 (C) 1882 (D) 1944.
Q.9. Number of bureaus in Education in modern time :
(A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 12.
Q.10. Eatable full of Vitamin 'C' is :
(A) Tomato (B) Anwala (C) Apple (D) Orange.
Section :B
Q.1. The aims of Human Resource Development Ministry.
Administrative structure of Education at local level in short.
Q.2. Differentiate the Guidence and Counselling.
Illustrate any three functionsof the principal in school Administration.
Q.3. Write in short about Co-curricular activities.
Why do you think it necessary to frame a schoolCalender ?
Q.4. Write down about the characteristics of good health.
Discuss the importance of yoga Educationin schools.
Q.5. Trace out the need of first Aid in school.
Discuss the objectives of the medical inspection of School Children.
Section : C
Q.1. What do you understand by term supervision ? What are its aims ?
Q.2. What do you mean by Discipline ? Discuss in detail about its different views.
Q.3. Name the possible points of difficulties while framing Time Table and how may they me removed ?
Q.4. What do you mean by 'health Education or Hygiene' ? What is its importance in seconds ? Also discuss briefly the aims and objectivesof health Education in Schools.
Q.5. What is the importance of pure water in the maintenance of health ? What steps should the school take to ensure the supply of pure water to its pupils ?
Paper : V : Educational Technology
Section : A
Q.1. INSAT for Education was launched in the year :
(A) 1973 (B) 1980 (C) 1985 (D) 1975.
Q.2. Which one is not the various forms of Educational Technology ?
(A) Teaching Technology (B) Instructional Technology(C) Information and Communication Technology (D) Behavviour Technology
Q.3. Introduction to Educational Technology, Bombay : Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. is written By :
(A) Passi BK (B) Kulkarni SD (C) Sharma RA (D) Singh LC.
Q.4. Define programmed learning.
Q.5. Differentiate between objectives and behavioural objectives.
Q.6. The pioneer of micro Teaching in india :
(A) Passi BK (B) Sharma RP (C) Yadav Ms (D) Sharma RA.
Q.7. Write four examples of hard-ware approach.
Q.8. Mastery Learning Model is propounded by :
Q.9. CIET is located at :
(A) Mumbai (B) Kolkata (C) New Delhi (D) Pune
Q.10. Mention any four characteristics of Micro-Teaching.
Section :B
Q.1. LIst four activities a teacher may use to create a controlled environment.
Q.2. Explain Bloom's Taxonomy.
Q.3. What precautions you will take in organising activity based instruction ?
Q.4. Compare Micro Teaching with Models of Teaching.
Q.5. Write note on the importance of PSLV (Polar Satellite Launching Vehicle) project in india.
Q.6. Elaborate the various phases of inquiry Training Model.
Q.7. Write cycle of Micro-Teaching.
Q.8. Describe the scope of computer Assisted Learning.
Q.9. How tele and Video conferencing can be used in Teacher Training Programme ? Discuss.
Q.10. Describe the concept of virtual Universities.
Section : C
Q.1. Discuss the scope of Educational Technology.
Q.2. Describe the importance of programmed learning. Discuss the features of linear programming in detail.
Q.3. Write note on the usage of Mass Media in classroom teaching.
Q.4. Describe the special features of Ausubelo's Advance organiser Model.
Q.5. Explain any two in detail:
(A) Usage of Internate
(B) Role of CIET
(C) Teaching Technology.
Paper Sixth (B) : (II) Teaching of school Subject
Civics Teaching
Q.1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words :
(I) The word civics has involved from the Latin word......
(II) Unit method is based on ......theory in psychology.
(III) In the National Policy of Education 1986, the modern education system is based on ...... centered education.
(IV) the word curriculum belongs to .... language and means .....
(V) In non-projected aids ......is three dimensional aid.
Q.2. What do you mean by 'Human Values' ? How may the teaching of civics help to develop these values ? Elaborate with examples.
Q.3. "Civics is the science and philosophy of citizenship." In the light of this statement co-relate civics with any three of the following subjects :(I) History (II) Geography (III) Economics
Q.4. Give an account of various techniques of teaching civics. Also state which technique is best and why ?
Q.5. What is the importance of lesson plan in teaching of civics ? Prepare a detailed lesson plan of civics of Class IX.
Q.6. What are the qualities of a good text-book of civics ?
Q.7. What are the characteristics of an objective type test ? Prepare an objective type question paper for class IX containing 10 objective type questions of all varieties.
History Teaching
Write correct choice :
Q.1. (I) Best method of the study of local history is :
(A) problem method
(B) Laboratory method
(C) Observation and Excursion method
(D) Socialized recitation method
(II) programme of History for National Integration at primary stage :
(A) The story of Patriots
(B) Knowledge of cultures of diffrent areas
(C) Knowledge of languages of different states of india
(D) Friendly relationship between castes and communities
(III) While waiting on the black-board the teacher stands forming an angle of....degree with the black board :
(A) 30° (B) 45° (C) 60° (D) 90°
(IV) Whose definition is :"History is co-related detail of incidents or thoughts."
(A) Profe.Chate
(B) Maitland
(C) Rapson
(D) Hanery Johnson
(V) Thought of Bloom related to evaluation is...........
(A) Teacher centered
(B) child centered
(C) Subject centered
(D) Objective centered
Q.2. What is the importance of History in school Curriculum ? Discuss.
Q.3. What is meant by curriculum ? What chief principles of curriculum construction should be considered ? Explain.
Q.4. 'Audio and Visual aids are the best friend of History Teacher". Under the background of this statement show the type and importance of Audio--Visual aids in History Teaching.
Q.5. What is thr use of Lesson-Planning ? What are the characteristics of a good lesson plan ? Describe its important steps.
Q.6. What do you understand by the term evaluation ? Keeping in view the subject History, give examples of different types of objective question and explain their special features.
Q.7. On what basis you will select the book of History for study and give your suggestions to improve any text-book prescribed for junior High School class.
Geography Teaching.
Multiple Choice Question :
Q.1. (I) Moon receives light from the sun.----True/False
(II) Itanagar is the capital of nagaland.----True/False
(III) Maps are essential teaching aid in Geography Teaching.----True/False
(IV) Clear explanation is a main quality of good teacher.----- True/False
(V) Two effective methods of evaluation are.......True/False
Q.2. As Geography teacher what will be objectives of geography teaching at secondry level. Give an account in detail.
Q.3. What is the co-relation of Geography with the other subjects of social science ? Explain.
Q.4. Give suitable Audio-Visual Teaching aid, prepare a lesson plan of 40 minutes of class VIII.
Q.5. What are the main qualities of an ideal geography teacher at secondry leval ?
Q.6. Which methods of evaluation are suitable for geography ? Discuss with suitable examples.
Q.7. Define evaluation. Discuss the diffrent component of evaluation for tyhe text book Geography.
Economics Teaching
Q.1. Choose and write the correct answer :
(I) The teaching of Economics should be :
(A) Teacher centersd (B) Curriculum Centered(C) Student centered (D) Resources centered
(II) The quantitative data is best presented through :
(A) Chart (B) Graph (C) Diagram (D) Map
(III) "A project is a whole hearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social in a social environment."
(A) Ballard (B) Good (C) Kilpatrick (D) John Dewey.
(IV) Which teaching aid is the only visual aid ?
(A) Tape recorder
(B) Radio
(C) Map
(D) Television
(V) Thought of the Bloom related to evaluation is :
(A) Teacher centered
(B) Child centered
(C) Subject centered
(D) Objective centered
Q.2. What are the aims of Teaching of Economics at the Higher Secondary stage ? Explain.
Q.3. What is the relationship of Economics with other subjects of social science ?
Q.4. What are the differences between method and technique ? Dicscuss any one of the method in detail followed by you in teaching Economics.
Q.5. Write notes of any two of the following :
(A) Economics room
(B) Qualities of an economics teacher
(C) Importance og Teaching aid
(D) Steps of lesson planning.
Q.6. Discuss the importance of text-book of economics and suggest how can you make it more useful ?
Q.7. What is objective test ? Which things should be mind during the formation of objective test and give examples of different types of objective questions
Social Science Teaching
Q.1. Write true or False about the following statement as the case may be :
(I) Main objective of social science is to clarify the present with the help of past.
(II) M. Montesorie is the founder of the project method.
(III) Opportunities are offered to the student to have investigation experience by excursion.
(IV) Model is a traditional teaching aids.
(V) Lecture method was first used is professional areas.
Q.2. Explain the need and scope of social science in india. Discuss its aims in detail.
Q.3. What is curriculum according to Secondry Education Commission ? Discuss the general principles of curriculum construction in social science.
Q.4. Prepare a detailed lesson plan on any topic of material aids in the teaching of social science for the students of class IX.
Q.5. What is the importance of material aids in the teaching of the subject ?
Q.6. What do you understand by the term evaluation in referance to social science ? What are the main components of evaluation ? Explain in detail.
Q.7. Discuss the place of objective type tests in evaluating students achievement in social science. How can these be mode more useful ?
Science Teaching
Q.1. Choose thecorrect answer and write it in your answer book :
(I) To measure the temperature which one is used ?
(A) Barometer (B) Lactometer (C) Thermometer (D) Hydrometer
(II) The temperature of a normal human body is :
(A) 212°F (B) 100°C (C) 89.5°F (D) 98.4°F
(III) Write true or false about the following statements :
(A) Matter is found in three states.
(B) Law of Gravitation was discovered by Newton.
(C) style of questioning is not useful for a science teacher.
Q.2. Explain the objectives of teaching science at secondary level.
Q.3. Explain the objectives of teaching science at secondary level.
Q.4. What is lecture cum demonstration method of teaching science ? Give briefly its own merits and two demerits.
Q.5. Prepare a lesson plan on any topic of science for secondary classes,under the following headings :Specific objectives, Presentation and recapitulation.
Q.6. What do you mean by teaching aids ? How these are classified ?
Q.7. Describe diagnostic tests and give trheir merits and demerits.
Biology Teaching
Compulsory Question
Q.1. Write 'True or False' about the following statements as the case may be :
(I) Small objective related to subject are known as General objectives.
(II) Founder Of Heuristic method is Herbert.
(III) Amodel is better than picture because it is attractive.
(IV) A demonstration method is used in direct Knowledge of process.
(V) Main components of teaching learning process are student and curriculum.
Q.2. define aims and objectives ? What are the objectives of teaching Biology ? How can we achieve these objectives ?
Q.3. Define Curruculum. Write essential factors in curriculum construction.Explain main principles of organising curriculum in Biology.
Q.4. What is Hueristic Project Method ? Describe the steps of Hueristic project method.
Q.5. Write different types of Audio -Visual teaching aids use in Biology.
Q.6. Give a biief outline of the process of item analysis.
Q.7. What are Essay types of tests ? Write Characteristics of essay type examination. Write its limitations in examination.
Mathematics Teachings
Compulsory questions :
Q.1. (I) Write four qualities of a good lesson plan.
(II) write four defects in present curriculum of mathematics.
(III) Write any four points to develop interest in mathematics should be developed ?
Q.3. Describe first four objectives of teaching mathematics.
Q.4. What are inductive and deductive methods of teaching mathematics ?
Q.5. Enlist different types of teaching aids used in teaching mathmatics.
Q.6.What is the concept of evaluation in mathematics ?
Q.7. prepare an objective types diagnostics test, carring 25 marks to identify the low achiever students in mathematics.
Home Science Teaching
Q.1. Fill in the blanks :
(A) Scurvy is caused by ...........
(B) Deficiency of Iodine is caused..............
(C) Average human body temperature is ..........
(D) A Human Body is made up of .................of water.
Q.2. Explain with example the diffrence between aims and objectives of Home Science Teaching.
Q.3. What are the principles of teaching home science at school stage ? Explain any three of them in details.
Q.4. Prepare a detailed lesson plan on any topic of Home science for the students of class IX.
Q.5. What do you mean by audio-visual aids ? give a brief account of such aids used in Home Science teaching.
Q.6. Which points will you keep in mind while selecting a text book of Home Science for High School class ? Explain.
Q.7. What do you mean by Evaluation ? Write down the qualities of a good examination and explain the types of objective type test in detail.
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