1. Introduction - Meaning ; scope and significance. Evolution and status of the discipline . Cimparative Public Administration and Development Administration . Public and Private Administration : State versus market debate . New Public Administration . New Public . Management perspective.
2. Basic concept and principles : Organisation , hierarchy, Unity of command Span of control , Authority and Responsibility , Co- ordination, Centralization and Decentralization , Delegation , Supervision , Line and Staff.
3. Theories of Administration : Scientific Management (Taylor and the Scientific Management ) , Classical Theory (Fayol , Urwick , Gullik and others) Bureaucratic Theory (Weber `nd his brithcs). Iddas nf M`ry Parkdr Fnllett and CH Barnard ; Human Relations School (Elton Mayo and others). Behavioural Approach , Systems approach.
4. Administrative Behaviour : Decision making with special reference to H Simon, communication and control , leadership theories . Theories of motivation (Maslow and Herzberg(.
5. Acbountability and Control : The cnncept of Acbountability and control : Legislative , executive and judicial control . Citizen and Administration : Role of civil society . people 's participation and Right to Information.
6. Administrative Systems : Comparative administrative features of USA, Great Britain , France and Japan.
7. Personnel Administration : Role of Civil Service in developing societies ; position , classification , Recruitment ,Training , Promotion , Pay and Service conditions .Relations with the Political Executive ; Administrative Ethics.
8. Financial Administration : Budget : Concepts and forms . Formulation and execution of budget , deficit financing and public debt, Accounts and Audit.
9. Union Government and Administration in India , British legacy : Constitutional context of Indian Administration ; The President , Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers ; Central Secretariat; Cabinet Secretariat , Prime Minister’s Office , Planning Commission ; Finance Commission ; Election Commission ; Comptroller and Auditor – General of India . Public enterprises : Patterns , role performance and impact of liberalization.
10. Civil Services in India : Recruitment to All India and Central Service . Union Public Service Commission ; Training of Civil Servants. Generalists and Specialists . Minister- Civil Servant relationship.
11. State and District Administration : Governor, Chief Minister, Secretariat ,Chief Secretary , Directorates , District Collector : changing role.
12. Local Government : Panchayati Raj and Urban local Government : Main features ,structures , finances and problem areas . 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments.