A preliminary degree is an undetachable requirement to pursue an MBA programme, it being a postgraduate degree. A fairly universal requirement, exceptions to this may occasionally be made for applicants to Executive MBA programmes, where the emphasis is more on work experience.
The MBA is a degree aimed at a move into management. It is a conversion degree. It intends to equip students with the tools and knowledge for a leap in the corporate sector. For an entry into the MBA programme, a good degree in any subject is acceptable A previous study of a business subject is not a prerequisite for such an entry but many schools now offer an accelerated track for students with a business degree.
An important point to bear in mind, however, is the numerical nature of the degree. As such MBA programmes are usually heavy on mathematics statistics and accounting . Students with limited mathematical skills may struggle . Leading global B-School require students to have previously studied quantitative disciplines , notably calculus. Most of these schools conduct pre-programme refresher courses in the quantitative domain . Those students who are below average in these areas should attend such courses prior to their enrolment for an MBA programme.
Work Experience
In all probabilities, the MBA is a post-experience qualification . In other words , business schools require applicants to have had some experience of work life before joining a programme. Similar to the first degree, this does not necessarily have to be business- related. Students having some experiences of life and inter-relationships can enliven and illuminate classroom discussions. This is especially true with the growing emphasis on “soft skills” Some of the schools even ask for two or more years of previous work experience . The issue of work experience is still subjected to debate and discussion The general feeling among MBA students around the world , however , seems to be that they and their fellow students do benefit from at least some experience of the workplace being brought into the classroom.
The GMAT and other admission tests
Some schools do not require it. These schools generally substitute their own test. They emphasize on GMAT only for foreign students . Most prospective MBA students globally will have to take the Graduate Management Aptitude Test.
The GMAT is now used by nearly 2,000 schools and 1,800 programmes around the world .It is funded and conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) , a US-based international organization of graduate schools of Management.
The GMAT measures verbal ,mathematical and analysis writing skills but not specific areas such as knowledge of business and job skills ,or subjective areas such as motivation creativity and interpersonal skills. It is designed and development to assess a student’s potential academic performance. Most school find that it is a good indicator of likely success on an MBA programme, particularly the quantitative aspects. The GMAT is fully computerized and is know as a computer-adaptive test (CAT). The GMAC says the test requires minimal computer skills and each test is preceded by a computer- based tutorial.
Test Scores
Most schools do not stipulate GMAT scores but have a cut-off point in mind . At leading school with high average GMAT scores this could be around 600- 650; at other schools , or those with less commitment to GMAT scores, it could be as low as 500.
The maximum achievable GMAT score is 800 , but in any given year few students score maximum points. Utmost practice can only lead to such a score.
The GMAT is extremely important but then too, it is not the be-all and end-all. The GMAC also opines that the GMAT is only one indicator and is not the only one and the best one. Academic records, references, interviews and all the other paraphernalia of the business school admission process are of equal importance.
Cultural bias
The US tradition entails GMAT as a part of standardised testing for entry to academic institutions. Similar standardized tests are required by all US undergraduate courses and postgraduate degrees, such as law, etc. The test is delivered only in American English . Its approach is that of multiple- choice which is foreign to some educational milieus. As a result, there are concerns about bias; experts vouch that this test works particularly to the disadvantage of Japanese and other applicants from East Asia.
The GMAC is trying to get rid of all cultural disparities and make GMAT student friendly .Considerable changes have been incorporated and special allowances made.
How The GMAT Works
The GMAT includes verbal, quantitative and writing questions dealing with data analysis . Candidates have 75 minutes to complete 37 quantitative questions, 75 minutes for 41 verbal question and 30 minutes for each of the two analytical writing topics, which begin the test . There are two optional ten- minute breaks. The verbal and quantitative sections are computer adaptive , but the two analytical writing questions are not , although they are keyed into the computer.
The GMAT is offered throughout the year all over the world. The minimum identification requirements are a passport or a driving licence. Finger printing, photographing , videotaping or other forms of electronic identity confirmation may also be used.
Registration is via the GMAC website (http://www.mba.com/) .This informative site gives details of the test, sample qtesthons, tert ahds `nd nther usdful infnrmation. Candid`tes can also take a mock test.
Most countries and dotted with independent MBA and GMAT training and preparation centers. The training is useful and essential considering the peculiarity and uniqueness of the test . If mathematics is an area of concern , this test is specially of utility . A number of questions based on comprehension are based on American business and economic journals and it is worth becoming familiar with these.
Unofficial verbal and quantitative (not essay) scores can be obtained at testing centers as soon as the test is completed. Official score reports ,including scores on the essay questions, usually arrive at your chosen school(s) in about two weeks. The basic test registration fee covers sending a score report to up to five schools (selected on the day of the test). Additional score reports can be sent for US$28 per school.
Registering for the test costs US $250 anywhere in the world , payable when an appointment for the test is made . Rescheduling costs US$50.
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