General Studies in Main Examination comprises two papers of three hundred marls each. The duration of each paper is three hourse.
Paper-I has four segments, namely :
1.History of Modern India and Indian Culture
2.Geography of India
3.Constitution of India and Indian Polity
4.Current National Issues and Topics of Social Relevance
Paper-II has five segments , which are as follows :
1.India and the World
2.India’s Economic Interaction with the World
3.Development in the field of Science and Technology, IT and Space
4.International Affairs and Institutions
5.Statistical Analysis , Graphs and Diagrams
The syllabus as provided by UPSC, does not have much explanation regarding the details for the segments . It is therefore, advised to refer to previous years’ questions to get an idea about the explanation . The following observations have been made on the bases of analysis of previous years’ question papers:
The temporal reference to the History of Modern India and Indian Culture is up to the middle of 19th century. Thematic reference includes major events of the time, personalities,Facts and events associated with it. A majority of question pertain to the issues associated with the freedom struggle. Along with this there are question which deal with the cultural diversity of the country. However , the marks contained in culture segment are relatively less. This segment of History of Modern India and Indian Culture accounts for almost 30% of the total score of 300 marks.
Geography of India (physical , economic and social ) is a wide ranging segment of the syllabus. However , in terms of marks the total share is not so impressive . This segment accounts for approximately 10% of the total marks of Paper- I To prepare for this segment the candidates are advised to collect information about latest geographical events concerning India.
Constitution of India and Indian Policy is the most vital segment of Paper-I since its share of marks is almost one third. Students are advised to take note of it and accordingly give more time for its preparation . Here mainly the question are asked from the Indian political system and the Constitution of India. Students are required to collect information about various Government institutions and their functions, and also the relationship between them.
Current National Issues and Topics of Social Relevance include such events that are expected of an educated person to be aware about . They primarily include contemporary social problems that the Indian society is facing Some of the major issues include Human Rights, Human Resources, Corruption, Health, Environment and Preservation of Ecology, Pollution etc. The weightage of this segment in terms of marks is approximately one fourth.
The first segment of Paper-II is ‘India and the World’. In this segment candidate’s awareness is tested with regard to the country and the rest of the world. Here questions on issues such as foreign affairs, external security , nuclear debate, etc. are asked Further, another import area is with regard to Non- Resident Indians and the issues related to them . International position of India vis –a-vis various issues should also be kept in orientation while preparing for this segment . The share of this segment in Paper- II is about 15%.
Economic consciousness is on the rise. There have been more changes in the Indian Economy in last ten years than the change that occtrred in the firrt fnur decades `fter independenbe . Questions on Indian Economy (about 30% of Paper II, as regards marks) have reference not only to the Indian planning commitment and issues , programmes and priorities of economic development, but also about the international economic and financial institutions . Students should gather information on WTO, IMF and other international institutions , particularly with regard to their relationship with India, Here, keeping abreast of the changing economic scenario is also very helpful.
Development in the field of Science and Technology, IT and Space is also a major component of Paper-II . In terms of participation of marks , about 25% of question are asked from this segment. While preparing the same those issues that have a bearing on the socio-economic development of the country , must be given more importance.
International Affairs and Institutions accounts for about 15% of the marks in Paper-II . It contains questions on major global changes that are taking place . It also includes questions on such relationship that develop between different countries which have their impact not only on India but on the world as a whole.
The last segment of Statistical Analysis, Graph and Diagrams’ with the participations of about 15% marks. Is significant . It is the only part of General Studies where students have a chance to score close to hundred percent . Here speed is vital, which can be achieved by practicing previous years’ questions.
The approach to the above mentioned segments of General Studies may very from student to student, depending upon his/ her comfort level in each area. Since General Studies can be more scoring than your optional subjects you cannot afford to ignore any of these.
In the examination hall read all the questions quickly in the first go and select those where you feel more confident and comfortable . Start with those questions where you can give your best. Apart from making a good impression on the examiner , this will give you an extra bnost of bonfhdenbe.
Read each and evdry puestion verx carefully before attempting it. See what the examiner wants in your answer. He will be more interested in your approach to a given problem than your knowledge as such . Hit the question directly and stick to the basics. Try to present your answer in a simple and lucid manner. You may use pointers, diagrams, and illustrations to make your answer ‘examiner-friendly’ Your paper must stand out from those of the others in order to get good marks . Believe it or not, many have done this in the past . Maintain a reasonable speed without making avoidable errors.
Do not cross the word limit prescribed for each question. You may be penalized for writing more than what has been asked for. Economical use of words comes with a lot of writing practice before the examination. Also, avoid common mistakes, like giving incorrect facts, wrong spellings and careless presentation of answer. Unless you take care of each one of these common mistakes as well as the pitfalls mentioned above, you cannot expect of get the marks that you may otherwise deserve. Therefore, take up the task of preparation in an organized and intensive manner. Do spend some time to think over how to handle questions by taking examples from the previous years’ question papers. However it is important to enjoy the journey.
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