Central Zone, Eastern Zone, Northern Zone, Southern Zone, Western Zone, North-Central Zone,South-Central Zone
Engagement of Financial Service Executives.
Approximately 160 Financial Services Executives are proposed to be engaged by variousOffices of the Corporation on Contract basis for 3 years under the jurisdiction of WESTERN ZonalOffice.
It is primarily a Marketing job. The FSE’s shall be directly responsible for Procuring NewBusiness, Providing Policy Servicing and related jobs from the bank branches / other outlets allotted tothem. They shall also carry out any other instructions given to them from time to time. For this purpose considerable movements including tours covering entire area allotted to them are involved.
1. Eligibilty Conditions:
a) Qualification:Applicant shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established under a statute.Preference may be given to those applicants who possess who possess the Bachelor Degree or Diploma inMarketing /Management. Good working knowledge of English and also one Regional language preferablylocal language is desirable. Knowledge of soft skills such as Power Point / Word / Excel would beadditional advantage.
b) Age:
(i) The applicant shall have completed 21 years of age and not more than 35 years of age.
(ii) The upper age limit of an applicant belonging to a group given below shall not exceed theage mentioned below:-
Category (1) Member of a Scheduled Caste or a ScheduledTribe. Age limit in years--40
Category (2) Member of OBCs (other than those in creamy layer). Age limit in years-- 38
Category (3) Ex-serviceman 35, increased by the numberof years of service in the armed forces subjectto maximum age of 45 years where he is amember of OBCs and 47 years where he is amember of SC or ST and Maximum of 42years in Other than SC,ST,OBC Cases.
Selection will be made on the basis of a written test if necessary, followed by an Interview of candidates who qualify in the written test. Written Test will be of Objective Type covering Test of Reasoning, Numerical Ability and General Knowledge. The date and venue of the written test, if to beconducted, will be communicated to the eligible candidates individually.
3. The selected candidates may be allotted anywhere during the period of engagement based on businessrequirements.
4. The selected candidate will have to undergo Theoretical Training, pass an examination conducted by theIRDA and obtain a license to procure Life Insurance Business. After procuring the license, if the candidateis found suitable for selection in accordance with the scheme, may be engaged as a Financial ServicesExecutive on Contract basis subject to conditions framed by the Corporation.
5. A Financial Services Executive will be paid a fixed amount every month and incentives based on theyearly performance.
6. It is clarified that selection as a Financial Services Executive does not confer any right on the candidateto be appointed as a Permanent employee in the Corporation.
7. Interview: Candidates successful in the written test (if conducted) or eligible candidates will be calledfor an Interview. The Corporation reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called forwritten test and/or interview commensurate with number of Financial Service Executives to be engaged andthe decision of the Corporation in this regard shall be final. No correspondence will be entertained in thisregard. Selected candidates will be engaged as Financial Services Executives subject to their being foundmedically fit by the Medical Examiner authorized by the LIC for the purpose.
1. The choice of the examination center will be taken as the Divisional Office to which the candidatehas applied.
2. No change in the choice of examination centre will be entertained under any circumstances. TheCorporation reserves the right to add or delete any Centre or alter examination date at itsdiscretion.
Candidates satisfying the conditions of eligibility as on (Cut-off date), shall submit their Application tothe Concerned Division of LIC in the format given below which shall be either hand-written in boldcapitals or typewritten on foolscap size paper only. The Application should be properly signed. Thefollowing shall accompany the Application:
1. Demand Draft of Rs 100/- drawn in favour of LIC of India payable at (Divisional Headquarters)towards application fees. ( Only for the candidates other than SC/ST candidates )2. Attested Photocopy of Caste Certificate in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates.
3. Attested Photocopy of Qualification Certificate and Age Proof.
4. Attested Photocopy of Discharge Certificate in respect of Ex-servicemen.The candidates are advised to keep ready with them the originals and a set of attested photocopies of eachof the certificates listed at item numbers 2,3 & 4 above for verification at the time of Interview if theyqualify in the written test.
9. Application Fee (Non-Refundable):For all candidates (other than SC/ST category): Rs.100./-. The Application Fee shall be paid by DemandDraft only (valid for six months), favouring “Life Insurance Corporation of India” and payable atDivisional Headquarters. Candidate’s name and date of birth should be written on the reverse of theDemand Draft.Application Form completed in all respects with enclosures, in a closed cover with asuperscription on the cover “Engagement of Financial Services Executives, should be sent to respective Divisional Offices of LIC.
(a) Candidates should ascertain, before applying, that they satisfy all the eligibility conditions as stipulatedin the notification. Candidates who do not satisfy the eligibility conditions are liable to be disqualifiedat any stage of selection.
(b) Corporation takes no responsibility for any delay in receiving the Application Form or loss in postaltransit.
(c) Application Form not in the prescribed Format or incomplete/unsigned or received without theDemand Draft for application fee wherever applicable or Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/OBCapplicants, shall not be considered and are liable to be rejected.
(d) Application fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it be held in reservefor future recruitment. The eligible candidates will be intimated separately about the exact date &venue of the examination. Incomplete application forms will be rejected and application fees forfeited.
(e) Decision of the Corporation in all matters regarding eligibility, conduct of examination, other tests,Interview, selection and allotment would be final and binding on all candidates. No representation orcorrespondence will be entertained by the Corporation in this regard.
(f) In case more than one application is received from an applicant for the same Division and/or differentDivisions and/or different Zones then, the first application received from the applicant as per entrymade in the register maintained by the corporation shall be treated as his only application and all theother applications shall be treated as invalid. In case of any doubt or dispute, the decision of the ZonalManager shall be final and binding on the applicant.