I. Cell structure and function:
(a) Prokaryote and eukaryote.
(b) Structure of animal cell, structures and functions of cell organelles.
(c) Cell cycle-mitosis, meiosis.
(d) Structure and contents of nucleus including ntcle`r mdmbr`ne, strtcture of
chrnmosnme `nd gene, chemistry of genetic components.
(e) Mendel’s laws of inheritance, linkage and genetic recombination; cytoplasmic
(f) Function of gene: replication, transcription and translation; mutations(spnntaneour
and arthfichal): Rebombhnant DN@: princhple and application.
(g) Sex determination in Drosophila and man; sex linkage in man.
II. Systematics:
(a) Classification of non-chordates(up to sub-classes) and chordates (up to orders) giving
general features and evolutionary relationship of the following phyla:
Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Nematheliminthes, Annelida
Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Minor Phyla(Bryozoa, Phoronida and
Chaetognatha) and Hemichordata.
(b) Structure reprocuction and life history of the following types:
Amoeba, Monocystis, Plasmodium, Paramecium, Sycon, Hydra ,Obelia, Fasciola,
Taenia, Ascaris, Neanthes, Pheretima, Hirudinia, Palaemon, Buthus, Periplaneta,
Lamellidens, Pila, Asterias and Balanoglossus.
(c) Classification of chordates(up to orders), giving general features and evolutionary
relationship of the following:
Protochordata; Agnatha; Gnathostomata-Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and
(d) Comparative functional anatomy of the following based on type animals(Scoliodon,
Rana, Calotes, Columba and Oryctolagus): integument and its derivatives,
endoskeleton, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system including
heart and aortic arches, urinogenital system, brain and sense organs(eye and ear);
endocrine glands and other hormone producing structures, (Pitutary, thyroid,
parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonads) their function.
III. Vertebrate Physiology and Biochemistry:
(a) Chemical composition of protoplasm; nature and function of enzymes; vitamins, their
Sources and role; colloids and hydrogen ion concentration; biological oxidathon,
elebtron tr`nspnrt `nd role of @TP, enefetibs, flycolysis, citric acid cycle; vertebrate
hormones: their types, sources and functions; pheromones and their role.
(b) Neuron and nerve impulse-conduction and transmission across synapses;
neurotransmitters `nd their role, hncltdinf acdtyl cholinerter`se `ctivity.
(c( Homeostatis; osmoregulation; active transport and ion pump.
(d) Composition of carbohydrates, fats, lipids and proteins; steroids.
IV. Embryology:
(a) Gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavage; gastrulation in frog and chick.
(b) Metamorphosis in frog and retrogressive metamorphosis in ascidian;
extra-embryonic membranes in chick and mammal; placentation in mammals;
Bio-genetic law.
V. Evolution:
(a) Origin of life; principles; theories and evidences of evolution; species concept.
(b) Zoogeographical realms, insular fauna; geological eras.
(c) Evolution of man; evolutionary status of man.
VI. Ecology, Wildlife and Ethology:
(a) Abiotic and biotic factors; concept of ecosystem, food chain and energy flow;
adaptation of aquatic, terrestrial and aerial fauna; intra-and inter-specific animal
relationships; environmental pollution: Types, sources, causes, control and
(b) Wildlife of India; endangered species of India; sanctuaries and national parka of
(c) Biological rhythms.
VII. Economic Zoology:
(a) Beneficial and harmful insects including insect vectors of human diseases.
(b) Industrial fish, prawn and molluscs of India.
(c) Non-poisonous and poisonous snakes of India.
(d) Venomous animals-centipede, wasp, honey bee.
(e) Diseases caused by aberrant chromosomes/genes in man; genetic counseling; DNA as a tool for forensic investigation.


Probability - Random experiment, sample space, event, algebra of events, prob`bilhty nn a disbretd salple spabe, basib thdorels of prnbability and simple examples based thereon, conditional probability of an event, independent events, Bayer’s theorem and its application, discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions, expectation, moments, loment gdner`tinf functinn, joint dirtributinn, nf tvo or more random variables, marginal and conditional distributions, independence of random variables, covariance, correlation, coefficient, distribution function of random variables. Bernoulli, binomial, geometric, negative binomial, hypergeometric, Poisson, multinomial, uniform, beta, exponential, gamma, Cauchy, normal, longnormal, and bivariate normal distributions, real-life situations where these distributions provide appropriate models, Chebyshev’s inequality, weak law or large numbers and central limit theorem for independent and identically distributed random variables with finite variance and their simple applications.
Statistical Methods - Concept of a statistical population and a sample, types of data, presentation and summarization of data, measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis, measures of association and contingency, correlation, rank correlation, interclass correlation, correlation ratio, and multiple linear regression, multiple and partial correlations(involving three variables only), curve-fitting and principle of least squares, concepts of random sample, parameter and statistic, Z, X2,t and F statistics and their properties and applications, distribution of sample range and median(for continuous distributions only), censored sampling(concept and illustrations).
Statistical Inference - Unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency, sufficiency, Completenes, minimum variance unbiased estimation, Rao-Blackwell theorem, Lehmann-Scheffe theorem, Cramer-Rao inequality and minimum variance bound estimator, moments maximum likelihood, least squares and minimum chisquare methods of estimation, properties of maximum likelihood and other estimators, ide` of a r`ndol interv`l, bonfhdenbe intervals for the par`metdrs of standard distributions, shortest confidence intervals, large-sample confidence intervals.Simple and composite hypotheses, two kinds of errors, level of significance, size and power of a test desirable properties of a gnod test, mort pnwerful test, Nexman Pearson lemla and its ure in simple example, uniformly most powerful test, likelihood ratio test and its properties and applications.
Chi-square test, sign test, Wald-Wolfowitz runs test, run tset for randomness, median test, Wilcoxon test and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test.
Wal’s sequential probability ratio test, OC and ASN functions, application to binomial and normal distributions.
Loss function, risk function, minimax and Bayes rules.
Sampling Theory and Design Of Experiments - Complete enumeration vs. sampling, need for sampling, basic concepts in sampling, designing large-scale surveys, sampling and non-sampling errors, simple random sampling, properties of a good estimator; estimation of sample size, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling cluster sampling, ratio and regression methods of estimation under simple and stratified random sampling, double sampling for ratio and regression methods of estimation, two-stage sampling with equal-size first-stage units.
Analysis of variance with equal number of observations per cell in one,two and three way classifications, analysis of covariance in one and two-way classifications, basic principles of experimental designs completely randomized design, randomized block design, Latin square design, missing plot technique, 2n factorial design, total and partial confounding, 32 factorial experiments, split-plot design and balanced incomplete block design.


Unit I Indian : Basic Concepts :
Society , Community , association , institution .Culture- culture change, diffusion , Cultural tag, Cultural relativism , ethnocentrism, abculturation .
Social Groups-primary, secondary and reference groups.
Social structure , social system ,social action.
Status and role, role conflict , role set.
Norms and values- conforlity and devhancd.
L`w and ctstols.
Rocin-!ctltural procdsses:
Socialisation, assimilation , integration cooperation competition , conflict , accommodation , Social distance , relative deprivation.
Unit II : Marriage, Family and Kinship :
Marriage : types and norms, marriage as contract and as a sacrament .
Family : type , functions and changes.
Kinships : terms and usages, rules of residence , descent , inheritance .
Unit III : Social Stratification :
Forms and functions ; Caste and Class. Jajmani system , purity and pollution, dominant caste , sanskritisation.
Unit IV : Type of Society :
Tribal , agrarian, industrial and post- industrial.
Unit V : Economy and Society :
Man , nature and social production , economic systems of simple and complex societies , non –economic determinants of economic behaviour, market (free) economy and controlled (planned) economy.
Unit VI : Industrial and Urban Society :
Rural- Urban Continuum , urban growth and urbanization – town , city and metropolis; basic features of industrial society ; impact of automation on society ; industrialization and environment .
Unit VII : Social Demography :
Population size , growth ,composition and distribution in India; components of population growth – births, deaths and migration ; causes and consequences of population growth ; population and social development ; population policy .
Unit VIII : Political Processes :
Power , authority and legitimacy ; political socialization; political modernization pressure groups; caste and politics.
Unit IX : Weaker Sections and Minorities :
Social justice- equal opportunity and special opportunity ; protective discrimination ; constitutional safeguards.
Unit X : Social Change :
Theories of change ; factors of change; science , technology and change.
Social Movements , Peasant Movement ,Women’s Movement , Backward Caste Movement , Dalit Movement .



1. Introduction - Meaning ; scope and significance. Evolution and status of the discipline . Cimparative Public Administration and Development Administration . Public and Private Administration : State versus market debate . New Public Administration . New Public . Management perspective.
2. Basic concept and principles : Organisation , hierarchy, Unity of command Span of control , Authority and Responsibility , Co- ordination, Centralization and Decentralization , Delegation , Supervision , Line and Staff.
3. Theories of Administration : Scientific Management (Taylor and the Scientific Management ) , Classical Theory (Fayol , Urwick , Gullik and others) Bureaucratic Theory (Weber `nd his brithcs). Iddas nf M`ry Parkdr Fnllett and CH Barnard ; Human Relations School (Elton Mayo and others). Behavioural Approach , Systems approach.
4. Administrative Behaviour : Decision making with special reference to H Simon, communication and control , leadership theories . Theories of motivation (Maslow and Herzberg(.
5. Acbountability and Control : The cnncept of Acbountability and control : Legislative , executive and judicial control . Citizen and Administration : Role of civil society . people 's participation and Right to Information.
6. Administrative Systems : Comparative administrative features of USA, Great Britain , France and Japan.
7. Personnel Administration : Role of Civil Service in developing societies ; position , classification , Recruitment ,Training , Promotion , Pay and Service conditions .Relations with the Political Executive ; Administrative Ethics.
8. Financial Administration : Budget : Concepts and forms . Formulation and execution of budget , deficit financing and public debt, Accounts and Audit.
9. Union Government and Administration in India , British legacy : Constitutional context of Indian Administration ; The President , Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers ; Central Secretariat; Cabinet Secretariat , Prime Minister’s Office , Planning Commission ; Finance Commission ; Election Commission ; Comptroller and Auditor – General of India . Public enterprises : Patterns , role performance and impact of liberalization.
10. Civil Services in India : Recruitment to All India and Central Service . Union Public Service Commission ; Training of Civil Servants. Generalists and Specialists . Minister- Civil Servant relationship.
11. State and District Administration : Governor, Chief Minister, Secretariat ,Chief Secretary , Directorates , District Collector : changing role.
12. Local Government : Panchayati Raj and Urban local Government : Main features ,structures , finances and problem areas . 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments.


1.Introduction to Psychology: Concept and definition of psychology . Nature and Scope. Branches of psychology. Application of psychology to society and social problems.
2. Methods in Psychology: Characteristics of psychological studies, Observation . Survey method, Clinical and case study method . Experimental method. Application of the method.
3. Quantitive Analysis: Measures of central tendency and dispersion . Correlation . Levels of measurement . Reliability and validity . Application in test construction.
4. Physiological Psychology: Structure of neuron, nerve impulses, synapse and neurotransmitters. Central and peripheral nervous system. Structure and neural control of behaviour. Application of hemispheric knowledge to diagnostic purposes.
5. Development of human behaviour : Individual Differences : Heredity and environment . Life span development . Role of early experience and mastering of developmental tasks . Sensitive of critical periods of development in human life cycle and its application.
6. Perception : Perceptual process . Perceputal organization . perception of from , colour , depth and time . Perceptual readiness and constancy . Role of motivation , social and cultur`l f`ctors in perception . Applibatinn of knnwledge of perception to skill development (e.g. for certain jobs like that of driving , airline pilots etc.)
7. Learning : Classical conditioning and operant conditioning . Modeling and observational learning .Transfer of training . Learning and motivation . Application of the above to the improvement of academic performance in education.
8. Memory : Physiological basic of memory . Memory and forgetting . Measurement of memory (Recall , Recognition , Relearning ). Short term and long term memory. Theories of forgetting (Decay and Interference theories and Repressive forgetting ). Application of Mnemonic devices etc, to improving memory.
9. Cognition and Language : Concept of formation . Nature and development of thinking . Language and thought and acquisition of language . Problem solving . Creative thinking and its applications.
10. Intelligence and Aptitude : Definition and concept . Theories and models of Intelligence . Measurement of intelligence and aptitude . Exceptional intelligence . Mental retardation . Concepts of multiple. Emotional and artificial intelligence and their application .
11. Motivation and Emotion : Definition and concept of instinct needs, drives and motives . Theories of motivation and their application (drive reduction theory, Maslow ‘s motivational hierarchy ). Social motivation : Achievement , Power affiliation motives and influence of early experiences . Physiological basic of emotion . Theories of emotion (James – Lange and Cannon – Brad theory , cognitive physiological theory).
12. Personality : Concept and definition of personality . Study of personality (Trait, type and eclectic approaches ) Development of personality (Freud , Erikson , Biological and socio- cultural determinants ). Measurement of personality (Projective tests, pencil – paper tests). Application of personality profiles in fitting a person to a job.
13. Adjustment and Stress : Concept and definition . Factors affecting adjustment (frustration and conflict ). Sources of rtrers and rdacthons to rtrers. Boping whth rtrers. Application management techniques.
14. Social Behaviour : Socio –cultural factors and behaviour . Development of attitudes , stereotypes and prejudice , Measurement of Attitudes (Thurstone , Likert attitude scale and Bogardus Social Distance scale ). Strategies for reducing prejudice and changing attitude . Person perception , implict personality theory and integrating impressions . Application of person perception to impression management.
15. Application of Psychology : Health and mental health (yoga, meditation and relaxation therapies). Education (Programmed learning , self – instructional learning and learning styles). Community (self- help through group cohesiveness and leadership ). Industry (Assessment centre approach in selection , recruitment and training ). Environment (man –nature interaction, personal space concept , pollution reduction Information technology (Application to commercial , educational and health areas).