Great Personality : APJ Abdul Kalam Azad

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam born October 15, 1931, Tamil Nadu, India, usually referred to as Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, was the eleventh President of India, serving from 2002 to 2007. Due to his unconventional working style, he is also popularly known as the People's President. Before his term as India's president, he distinguished himself as engineering visionary and was awarded India's highest civilian honour Bharat Ratna in 1997 for his work with DRDO and his role as scientific advisor to the Indian government. He is popularly known as the Missile Man of India for his work on development of ballistic missile and space rocket technology. In India he is considered a progressive mentor, innovator and visionary. Kalam played a pivotal organizational, technical and political role in India's Pokhran-II nuclear test in 1998, the first since the original nuclear test by India in 1974. He is a professor at Anna University (Chennai) and adjunct/visiting faculty at many other academic and research institutions across India.
Political Views
Kalam's probable views on certain issues have been espoused by him in his book India 2020 where he strongly advocates an action plan to develop India into a knowledge superpower and into a developed nation by the year 2020. Kalam is credited with the view that India ought to take a more assertive stance in international relations; he regards his work on India's nuclear weapons program as a way to assert India's place as a future superpower.
Kalam continues to take an active interest in other developments in the field of science and technology as well. He has proposed a research programme for developing bio-implants. He is a supporter of Open source software over proprietary solutions and believes that the use of open source software on a large scale will bring more people the benefits of information technology.
Kalam's belief in the power of science to resolve society's problems and his views of these problems as a result of inefficient distribution of resources is modernistic. He also sees science and technology as ideology-free areas and emphasizes the cultivation of scientific temper and entrepreneurial drive. In this, he finds a lot of support among India's new business leaders like the founders of Infosys and Wipro, (leading Indian IT corporations) who began their careers as technology professionals much in the same way Kalam did.
His views on issues of peace and weapons are controversial. He is quoted as follows:
In the 3,000-year history of India, barring 600 years, the country has been ruled by others. If you need development, the country should witness peace and peace is ensured by strength. Missiles were developed to strengthen the country.


Answers must be written in Arabic
1. (a) Origin and development of language an outline.
(b) Significant features of the grammar of the language, Rhetorics, Prosody.
(c) Short Essay in Arabic.
2.Literary History and Literary Criticism- Socio- Cultural Background, Classical literature , literary movements , modern trends, origin and development of modern prose- drama, novel, short story, essay.
This paper will requird first hand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the candidate’s critical ability. Answers must be written in Arabic.
a. Imraul Qais- Qifa Nabke Min Zikra Habibin Wa Manzili (complete) Al Muallaqatus Saba
Hassan bin Thabit- Lillahi Darru Isabatin Nadamtuhum (complete) Diwan Hassan Bin Thabit
Jarir- Hayyu Umamata Wazkuru Ahdan Mada
Jalbas Sifahi Wa Damiation Bikila Nukhbatul Adab- Deptt. Of Arabic, A.M.U. Aligarh
Farzdaq- Hazal Lazi Tariful Batha-o-Watatuhu (complete)
Majmuatun Minan Nazm-I- Wan Nasr, Jamia Salafiah, Varanasi
5.Al Mutanabbi – Ya Ukhta Khair-e- Akhin YA Binta Khair-e- Abin
Aqamahul Fikru Bainal ljz-e- Wattaabi Nukhbatul Adab , Deptt. Of Arabic, A.M.U. Aligarh.
6. Abul Ala Al- Maari- Ala Fi Sabil Majdi Ma Ana Faailu
Wa Ya Nafsu Jiddi Inna Dahraki Hazilu Majmuatul Minan Nazm-I-Wan Nasr, Jamia Salafia, Varanasi.
7. Shauqi – Wulidal Huda Falkainatu Diau
Makhtara IIIa Dinakal Fuqarau Salamun neeli Ya Ghandi (complete) Shauqiat.
Hafiz lbrahim- Rajatu Linafsi Fattahamtu Hasati (complete) Nukhbatul Adab
llya Abu Madi- Damatun Kharsao (complete)
Mukhtarat Minal Sher Al Arabi Al Hadith, M.M. Badwi
(a) Authors Books
1. Ibnul Muqaffa Kalilah Wa Dimnah
Al Asad Wal Thaur
2. Al- jahiz Mukhtarat Min Adabil
Arab Bakhilum Hakim (complete)
Part-II By – S.A. Hasan Ali Nadwi
3. Ibn Khaldun Muqaddamh
Araun Fit Talim (complete)
4. Mahmud Taimur Qalar Rawi
Am Mutawalli (complete)
5. Taufiqual Hakim Masrahiyat
Sirrul Muntahira (complete)
6. Abbas Mahmud Aqqad Mukhtarat Min Adabil Arab-II
Assiddiq (complete)
(b) Study of Indian Authors
1. Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami
2. Shah Walullah Dehlavi
3. Zulfiqar Ali Deobandi
4. Abdul Aziz Meman
5. Syed Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi