How to Get the Most From this BLOG

Please read this section slowly and carefully.The time you spend on this section right now will ensure that you extract the greatest benefit formyour investment in this blog.It is very important for you to undrstand that this blog is not simply a set of tests for practice. If used properly,you could develop and actuly improve yourmental ability and quantitative aptitude.It forms a full 'course',and should be taken seriously in small stages.Try and ensure that you have atleast one hour of undisturbed time with the BLOG, Keep a pencil,eraser and paper handy,and work at a table We suggest that you donot work for longer than two hours at a strech.
Verble and non-verbal intelligence tests are classified into different sections of this BLOG. First read the introductory part of the section to familiarise yourself with the typeof material you are going to study in that particular section. For each type of test, one or two specimen questions are given along with the answer fully explained.You should carefully read and understand the question to know what you have to question.Now carefully read the explaination so that you know how such questions are to be tackled. Even if you know the answer,We recommend that you read the explanation given in this BLOG. There may be more than one way of solving a particular question and you may have used a method which may not be givenin this BLOG.Another method may be used here. If you read the explanation given here you will be equipped with two methods to solve the questions. Hence you learn something new.
Once you have understood the specimen question, attempt the exercise given under it. Do not go to the second specimen question unless you have worked through the whole exercise of the first specimen question. Atempt eachquestion given in the exercise, and match your answerswith those given in the BLOG. Now read the explanation given with the answer.If you have not been able to solve a particular question, the explanation will help you to understand it.
Once you have completed all the specimen questions and corrosponding exercises as explained above, attempt the practice tests given at the end of each section.It Would be good to time yourself.Try to answer one question on one or slightly less than one minute.First attempt the questions which find easy. After completing all the questions. Review the difficult ones and try to answer them as well. Once you have tried all the questions you can, look for the answer in the answer key given at the end of each practice test. Now check the answer key and try ti analyse any remainingerrors for yourself, armed with the knowledge of the right answer.Also,read all the explanations given along with the answer key to the practice tests.Go to the next section only after completing the practice test of the previous section.
Once you have completed a study of all the sections,attempt the test papers given in this BLOG. These test papers are meant to be attempted underactual examination conditions and the entire paper has to be completed at a stretch. Do not leave the test paper half way. Once you have started a test paper, make sure that you close BLOG only when all the questions have been attemted. When tackling a test paper, you must ensure that you are undisturbed for the full duration.